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Lack of attraction after breakup

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Hey Guys - I'm still in the process of healing from a breakup from a very short-term but intense relationship.

I won't get into details, but there were red flags and felt the RS was turning toxic, I ended up ending the relationship pretty abruptly, than giving it an honest chance and/or letting it run it's course. This made me feel tonnes of regret and depression.


THANKFULLY I'm in a better place then when the breakup(s) took place - I don't have the typical breakup symptoms anymore. I posted on here 3 weeks ago about being in a depression, but that's now greatly subsided - thank freaking god). BUT she's on my mind all the freaking time despite all the AMAZING things I'm doing in my life that should be keeping my mind preoccupied.


I think I've reached a point where the ONLY way to get over her, is to start casually dating again and meet someone that will blow me away to the point where any thoughts about my ex would no longer be necessary. Problem is that I've tried dating, but because there was such intense physical chemistry and emotional attachment between my ex and I (out of the many, she was probably the most attractive/cutest girl I ever dated), I rarely ever find myself attracted to other ladies.


Can anyone relate? Thoughts are appreciated.

I love you all.


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it might be a bit too soon to jump back into dating, because it's going to take some time for those feelings you have to subside and to be able to see others in a different light. Right now, no one is likely comparing favorably to your ex, so how successful is the dating going to be anyway?

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for me attraction to others came naturally once my heart had healed/opened to the point where i was actually ready to start dating again. so...it may not be time for you yet. don't try to force it, it will come naturally...and hopefully at that point you're not comparing everyone to your ex.

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