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Worth the risk? How do I tell her my concerns?


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I am a 22-year-old man that works at a grocery store on the weekends while I teach during the the weekdays. This 19-year-old woman, that I actually had a small crush on a few months ago, has made it extremely obvious that she has as crush on me. She works in a different department. You would think, hey that's great, go for it! However, after getting to know her, we are very different people.


She is now coming off really strong and I can tell she wants me to ask her out. I mean she really isn't coming off strong, but since I know about her crush, her subtle actions are much more obvious. As a natural born introvert, this is extremely intimidating for me.


This is where I am at:

I think she is cute and since she has a crush on me, I would be interested in pursuing something. However, since we work together, I think the differences in our life styles cause too much of a risk of failure that would make the work place awkward. But maybe opposites attract so there is a chance?


I really want to get that message accross somehow, but I do not know how to tell her. Currently things are really awkward, because I feel like I am just being a jerk avoiding her while she is making an effort to be around me so I can ask her on a date or something.


What can I do?

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The differences are just differences in our hobbies and things we do for fun. She is also very outgoing where I like to stay at home. I just think that we would both be bored with each other and I don't know if I want to risk an awkward work environment in try to date her.

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Maybe you should just make it clear to her that you're not interested in her. Being an introvert doesn't mean that you should let down personal boundaries. If she's crossing those then kindly let her know that what she just did makes you uncomfortable and would she kindly not do it anymore. Then, change the subject to something else while appearing both professional and friendly.

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