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Multi-dating online - How to juggle it


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Meet as many people as you can until you are exclusive with one of the women -that is my advice if you're looking for a potential long term relationship. If you change your mind and just want to date casually then I wouldn't put in the time and effort to meet other people.


I don't think online dating is different as far as the tide turning - if you go on a date with someone you just met that always can happen- many people change their mind after a first meet or a few dates and even if they are not dating through on line sites you never know how many people they are meeting/potentially meeting in their daily life.


Perhaps it's a little less likely if you go on a date with someone you've known for quite awhile.

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Meet as many people as you can until you are exclusive with one of the women -that is my advice if you're looking for a potential long term relationship. If you change your mind and just want to date casually then I wouldn't put in the time and effort to meet other people.


I don't think online dating is different as far as the tide turning - if you go on a date with someone you just met that always can happen- many people change their mind after a first meet or a few dates and even if they are not dating through on line sites you never know how many people they are meeting/potentially meeting in their daily life.


Perhaps it's a little less likely if you go on a date with someone you've known for quite awhile.


Agreed, im still very curious to meet the one on the weekend, just to see how it is etc.

Its the first time ive ever multi-dated, im just worried ill get their names mixed up or something!

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I think people who multi-date should be mature enough to handle it (Not saying you aren't). Definitely if it's about ego and needing to date the 'winner, looks-wise' only, then expect things to not go perfectly smoothly... Also, if they ask if you're seeing others don't lie about it - I found out the hard way that my ex was seeing other girls but I believe he thought I would stop seeing him if I found out. I found out anyway, and the lying is what made me stop seeing him.


Also, I find that it's always obvious when guys I'm dating are still seeing others, because they confuse details from other dates with me. I had one guy be like 'is your stomach better? are you still on a weird diet?' early on in dating and realized he had to be dating other girls, because I had been perfectly healthy lol. That's just one example. Keep the facts and stories straight or it can get real awkward.

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Agreed, im still very curious to meet the one on the weekend, just to see how it is etc.

Its the first time ive ever multi-dated, im just worried ill get their names mixed up or something!


It's not multi-dating -you're just meeting these people. I kept a written list.

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100% not going for looks, the past year or so has taught me that it really isnt about that, however its obvious you do have to be attracted to them.

The "winner" will be the one thats the best fit for me, the one with good values, similar interests and most importantly on the same page, if thats the least best looking then it really wont matter.


I actually did that a few times last night, I had to stop myself from telling her things that I thought she already knew about, luckily I didnt say it out loud.


Ive hidden my profile for the time being whilst I meet these few girls. I sound so arrogant saying that!

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