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How do I be okay with where I am in life?


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I feel like a late bloomer. Period. 29 going on 30 this year. All my friends are married or engaged, with a child or several or one on the way. While I'm here yes in a career I hate, living on my own with no one to share it with and a virgin because I can find the one I'm suppose to be with and share that with.


I know that there are people much worse off but how do I stop being jealous and bitter and get my hope back that my time will come. I've ran out of prayers for this.


Any real and true advice would be appreciated.

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The best advice is to DO something. I'm all for prayer and meditation but true change comes from action.


Break this down into parts. Figure out some specific things you want. Obviously approaching finding a new career and a significant other are very vague and overwhelming to think about.


However, you can make small steps such as applying for new positions, considering taking a class in a different field or obtaining a certification. Alternatively, you could consider getting a hobby in something that might make you less focused on work.


In terms of relatioships... same start small. Try online dating, meetup groups or other ways to just meet people AND have fun. The focus should be on meeting people, being positive and having fun... not necessarily looking for your next partner. I feel when people go on a search for a partner they become desperate, lower their standards and often only attract bad potential partners. Instead work on being open to meeting that special someone, and in the meantime, just meet people doing something you love.


Take it in small steps.

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I was a Virgin till I was 27..I'm glad I waited. I love my boyfriend even though I don't know what will happen with us at the moment due to outside circumstances, I'm glad I lost my virginity to him..don't be so down on yourself I used to feel the same and sometimes still do.


And yeah I don't even have a career I just have a dead end job. At my age.


It's just not as easy for us because I believe we are old souls who know better and don't put up with crap.


I wish u all the best

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Hey there, happy almost birthday whenever that will be! Don't beat yourself up and the worse you feel about it, the worse it will become. You need to change your attitude. Be grateful for the people you have in your life, be grateful for your job because you never know what type of career opportunities will come from it. Go out and meet people, this is your life, now go live it! You will feel stuck if you are looking at what everyone else is doing and how you compare to that. Everyone is different! Don't judge yourself on where you think you should be in life. Be happy for what you have and great things will come.

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