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How can I help my baby through his crying spells?


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I read that a lot of babies will cry a lot during their first few months of life. Their crying usually peaks at 2 months of time and then slowly starts to get easier by 4 months. I am not sure if this is true but so far my son seems to be following this pattern. Meaning..well...he's a month and a half old and his crying seems to be getting more frequent. He's a happy baby (I can tell because he smiles at me every time I look at him) but then suddenly the waterworks will set off for no obvious reason. He will be diapered, fed, cuddled, rolled around in his car-seat/stroller, burped....but he usually seems to like to cry even if he literally just smiled at me 10 seconds earlier! Even if he's engrossed in a game of "trying to reach out for teddy bears and toys" or doing anything that makes him excited, he will usually cry inbetween everything he is doing! Sometimes he will randomly scream and cry and the next minute he will reach his arms out and smile! It's kind of confusing....


The doctors all said he is doing fine, but I am going to check him for acid reflux to rule that out, just in case. If he is simply just crying for the sake of crying, is there anything I could try to help him get through it? Someone mentioned a bouncy swing, or a bouncy chair which I am going to get, but are there any other remedies? I can't wait till he starts to sleep through the night But until then, any advice is a huge help!

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There's a book called "Happiest Baby on the Block". In there, there is a "system" called the 5 S's.


1. Swaddling

2. Side/stomach(with your supervision, of course). Whatever is their comfort position.

3). Shhhhh. Making the "shh shh" sound. What I actually used to do, was play the doppler recordings I had where it was all that whooshy whooshy womb sound. Knocked him right out. Which is the point of the "shh". There's actually apps that have a womb mimicking sound specifically for that purpose.

4). Swinging - Whether a swing, or you rocking them back and forth.

5). Sucking - A paci, or if you breastfeed, just comfort nursing and such.


If you think he has reflux or gassy issues, you can do frequent burps and lay him at a 45 degree incline. People really like the rock and play for that. Also, I found gas drops to be the best thing in the world.

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