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dont think too much into what she said. she had a good time thats it bro. the more you think the worse it is. people here need to stop worrying about how their exs perceive them & you dont have to prove anything to her so dont worry yourself w/ 'trying to get into her life to show her'. dude, youre gonna have to lay off & let things be & not worry yourself.


instead put yourself back out there & enjoy life without her. it seems like you had a better mind set about this a few posts ago, dont fall back into the game.



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hmmm, well what you say is very true in alot of cases. But my question is this. I got dumped years ago. and my g/f would not give me the time of day. She would take call my calls daily but I was spinning my wheels bad. After I tried and went all out for about a month I just gave up. I didnt speak to her for about 4 days. Didnt take her calls. Then she did call me and got mad as heck for me not talking to her. She went out with a guy alot but claimed not sex. But I did the same with a girl. Then we got back together pretty fast after NC.


Now I am in the boat but married to her now and she filled for divorce and doing the same thing again. So would NC help now or am I s$%^& out of luck???

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wow! what a story!!


i am so so so sorry this woman put you through such drama. since this lastest for so long its going to be tough to let go. but im sorry in my honest opinion youre definitly going to have to. luck & strategies have NOTHING to do with someone coming back. if the love is there & it is genuine & the person is willing to seek relationship counseling (in your case youre really gonna have to!) then maybe it could work. but dude, i see youre 34, youre still young, given you 2 have traveled on a bumpy road A VERY BUMPY ROAD & have been tossed around back & forth for a long time, but you can get through this. youve suffered the worst of it. use this time to work on yourself & get through this divorce.


what is her reasoning for divorce anyway? how long were you married for? if i were you i wouldnt attempt it with this chick again. you tried it once you tried it twice...how much time are you gonna waste?


was there a falling out when she said she wants a divorce? if i knew more about the reasoning behind it i could help give you some sort of advice. but if i were you i wouldnt look for any advice as to how 'this can work out & we can try it again'. id face the facts that this girl isnt right for you & count your blessings youre getting out of it & not wasting another minute of your life with the wrong person.



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dont think too much into what she said. she had a good time thats it bro. the more you think the worse it is. people here need to stop worrying about how their exs perceive them & you dont have to prove anything to her so dont worry yourself w/ 'trying to get into her life to show her'. dude, youre gonna have to lay off & let things be & not worry yourself.


instead put yourself back out there & enjoy life without her. it seems like you had a better mind set about this a few posts ago, dont fall back into the game.




Ya, I know. Sometimes in this mind set its 1 step forward, 2 steps back. LOL No, you are right, I think she was just saying that to keep me in her life, so to speak, cause if she felt more, she would have called me over the weekend or sooner. So, ya, that was prolly part of her mind games.

Just like when she tried to hug me and I stepped back, and she started yelling last week.... I found out something last week she didnt want me to know, and I ruined it for her now I guess.... damage control.... (i have a tendency to over analyze people and situations at times)


As you all can prolly tell, I am at the flip flopping stage!! One minute I am moving on, and dont care for her games, the next I am like well, lets let time take care of it, if it happens it happens........


But I gotta ask ya, what does the the DragonGirl stand for??

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That is what I figured, so I had to ask. My EX is into all that bigtime too. She draws dragons, loves Lord of the Rings, etc.... Wants to get into Comics or something someday. I got into her drawings and sketches, but I never got into buying her dragons and stuff... I guess I never took the time to learn about them. Maybe you could give me some pointers on Dragons sometime

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did that really happen hockeyboy?


no, i made the entire thing up and i hate hockey


don't humor me just asking ......


I meant about your ex ex and what happen to her when you left her 0X amazing what the psyche does to people in certain situations.


she left me. and yes, thats where she is in life, sucks for her.

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Ok, I am taking some of your advice in here. I am gonna start dating someone else, this weekend as a matter of fact, so as not to be so hung up on my EX. She has TOO much power over me and my feelings right now, and that is definitely not good!! (even if she wanted me back, it would not be good with my emotions upside down)


The final straw was when she called me 2 days ago, and I was upbeat with her, but I had to ask her to call me back, well, I could tell she was bummed out about it, like I was blowing her off, and I wasnt. She said she would call back, well I waited and waited and am still waiting, but she never called back. Why do people play games like that?? To make themselves feel better or something?


Anyway, I guess i realized life is too short to wait around for someone else to make the calls.......

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good thinkin showdown,


life IS too short. people are cowards when they play w/ other people's minds. its a sugar coated temporary escape route. they do it for a multitude of reasons....for one they fear letting you go completely, they want you to linger around-it like gets them off thinking they have control over you, or they do in a weak attempt to 'be easy on you'. ugh* its so dumb & childish not to mention a waste of time on both parties any way you cut it.



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You never know if anything can evolve from a relationship with an EX fantasia. Sometimes people DO change, and they realize what it is they had. Alot can be infatuation, loneliness, and the fact that it is more comfortable than a new relationship sometimes. But it can also be true love. (I never understood if you love someone, set them free, etc....

well if you love them why would you want them gone to begin with??)


I personally have had someone break up with me, we split up for months and months, hardly any contact at all, and then we get back together for about 5 years. I was the one who pushed for the second chance though. And what broke us up the last time was different then what broke us up the first time. I guess what I am trying to say, we both realized we did love each other, worked on our faults and mistakes, and we became stronger and closer than we had ever been before. The main key to it was we didnt rush it, we took it slowly, and I think that is why we worked.


But both have to want it, even just a little bit, otherwise no way. My current EX wants to be friends so she can go out with other people, so I have gone back to NC because it hurts and it knocked me back down again, so I have to get back on my own 2 feet again..... Plus, I can tell she hasnt changed, so at this time it would lead to more heartache I believe.

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People have their own views on this but it does take two people to play mind games.


I am pregnant with my ex's baby and we fight every day there are a lot of other factors involved. The stroy is long and strange you can read it if you want It in the Breaking up Part of this Forum.


I believe he is seeing his bosses daughter and hear alot of things other people including my family see him doing however he tells me they are not dating. That he is not sleeping with her despite what I think.


He also says he respects the fact that I am carring his baby but when doing what he is doing he can't really recpect it we have done things to puch each other away and its sad that we can not get along now and probably never for this childs sake.


We are young and I do not feel he is accepting the fact that I am pregnant yet and that he is not ready to grow up and take responsibility for his actions.


I do feel and have first started today but NC is the way for me to go beucase all of the stress is causing major problem for this pregancy and I am only 9 weeks along. I do know that what he is putting me through hurts like hell and if he finally wakes up and realizes what he had its goning to be way to late beucase I have lost all respect and trust for him and it would take him a likfe time to get it back.


It does take two people to play mind games. I am not playing them with him you can read my post but he is playing them with me. If you let someone walk all over you they are going to beucase they think you will be their if things don't work out with the next. this baby is just more reason for him to think that and it really sucks but personally I can not date someone during this pregancy because to me it is wrong.[/url]

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MIND GAMES SUCK!! When mind games are played, who wins? Does anyone? I dont think so, just makes one feel better about themselves or something. Or more superior over the other maybe, I dont know.


I am coming to terms with the fact that some people may need mind games, or getting someone jealous or whatever to help out their self esteem. Why do some guys have to hit their woman? To make themselves feel better about their own miserable life??


It may take 2 to play mind games, like you say, but doesnt mean one of them wants to. Most of the time they have no choice in the matter, love blinds us into playing, or we just walk away............. And sometimes we want to play to prove the other wrong....

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hey guys & gals,


well i read some of the replies & id like to comment on them...fantasia, theres never anything WRONG with how someone feels about another person no matter how much time lapsed. if you still love them or hate them there is no right or wrong way to feel. we cant change what the heart feels.


and as for the mind game topic, mind games are simply for those who cant cope w/ the reality of any situation. whether its brought upon by the dumper, dumpee, your boss, your friend, anybody. its all used for the same reason. its used as a way to either keep the other person lingering around or used to push them away. some people act mean & angry & hostile to put off a certain vibe that may or may not be necessarily genuine about. and some may be extremely misleading by creating this kind of false hope. either way its wrong & we are adults not children. we dont need things explained to us like a 2 yr old. we can & NEED TO handle reality so it should be dished out to us in that way. if people stopped the sugar coated BS & grew the hell up life would be a lot easier on everyone. people have enough crap to worry about in their daily lives. they shouldnt have to over analyze & read into what other people mean when they speak to them. cut the baby crap & speak the truth, even if it hurts. who cares. a harsh reality is a reality none the less. we'll all get over it in time. the sooner the better...



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I don't want to play the mind games and he knows I don't. I have asked him to go to Dr apt with me he says yes then all the sudden he's gonna be out of town.


He is driving me insane. I really want to move far away to not deal with all of it but I am going to have to deal with it in 30 weeks.


IS there anyway to make him stop this he knows what he is doing is driving me insane all he says is the entire situation is a big mess.


It really is with everyone and everything that is envolved and he gets upset with me when I tell him what I think about it and what I feel about everything.


I really think the best way for me is to do the NC to get over him and move on at least I can have a friendship relationship with another until the baby is born. Becuase in my opinion he is playing this out until she goes to college in the fall thinking everything will be ok mind you this girl is only in high school. I think NC would save my insanity even though I know he sends his friends to check up on me he can't do it himself for some reason

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I don't want to play the mind games and he knows I don't. I have asked him to go to Dr apt with me he says yes then all the sudden he's gonna be out of town.


that just means hes being a jerk. not playing mind games. his actions speak volumes about him. hes simply not concerned & feels no responsibility to attend your Dr. appts. hes got some serious issues if he dates this girl & sends his co-workers to check up on you. they started a lot of this drama!! i cant believe someone can be such a creep. and nothing you do or dont do will make him change unless he sees his ways of life as being faults...until then dont expect him to do anything about it...


i dont mean to start a lot of crap, but did you ever consider not going through w/ this pregnancy?



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You are right they have started alopt of this crap. I have spoke with the ex tonight about why I ahould truct he is trelling me the truth.


He stated that I and his friends wife came between him and his friend. Point blank I told him he did that himself by confiding in him about this pregnancy and how he feels about me and how he feels about being pushed into a relationship with the bosses daughter.


He stated he had no reason to lie to him I told him then you need to prove you were not lying to him because the way you are acting shows him you are.


I have considered not going through with the pregnancy because it is already causing alot of problem for me I have been in and out of the hospital at least once a week for the past month and it is due to the stress I am under.


I told him we can not change the past but the future we can change if we have this baby we have to be friends and the next time we talk not to bring up the past whats done is done.


And the fact that he lost a friend he confieded inis his own fault and he has to fix it himself actually he has to fix the entire mess himself I can't help him I have tried and I don't want ot deal with it.


I told him if he wants to know how the appointment went he can ask but I'm not telling him beucase I am sick of all of this.


from the its mine to, no its not mine i need a paternity test, we can have one in a few weeks to, lets wait till the babies born to now not doubting or asking for th eproof that this is his baby. He knows it is doesn't know how to fix this entire situation with everyone involved beucase the boss and their family stuck their nose into our relationship along time ago.

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