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Can love return??

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I'm with Phoenix... A lot depends on what happened for the love to dwindle in the first place. Of course, the hopeless romantic in me believes that any love can be rekindled, no matter what the circumstances (unless it's abuse or something and that's not love anyway!)... Sometimes, it's a matter of bad timing (been there recently) and things don't work out. Then, down the road, the timing comes together and you rediscover each other... It can happen. But, sometimes we lose a love because there is an even greater love waiting for us. We might not see it right away, but it may be out there, just waiting for us.......

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I do believe that two people who loved eachother and one point can return to the same place they left off or to something more than they had before. However both people have to want to get back together and rekindle what they had. Since this takes an honest effort from both parties it is rare for this to happen. The general case seems to be that once you break up with a person that seems to be it, while there maybe some initial thoughts of getting back together in the long run they remain apart.

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Me and my fiance were separated for 7 months. I did NC. Things happened and we started talking and worked things out. We are getting married this summer.

Congratulatons!!! That's awesome Although it's rare, I always love to hear those success stories. Thanks.


Thanks to everyone for replying - keep it up if anyone has anything else to say. I'm just really messed up right now with feelings for my ex, and just wondering if love CAN in fact be rekindled.


One of the previous posters said that the hopeless romantic in them always wants to believe that any kind of love can come back no matter the circumstances, and being a hopeless romantic myself I would agree in my case, it wasn't abuse or anything... so that's why I'm agreeing. We were very in love once upon a time... read my previous posts and let me know what you think, thanks

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I'd like to believe it can happen to. I just got out of a relationship and I danced along the idea of getting back together for a while but I saw how much dreaming pulled me out of my self. It's nice to dream but there comes a time when you have to wake up from that dream. Dont get me wrong, you can still want and need, and sometimes you cant turn that off if you wanted to. How does your ex feel? Does he show signs of intrest, or do you even know. If it had been a while sense you two talked give him a call and say hello. Start a friendly chat and see where that goes. I wish you the best of luck with all my heart. I know it can work tho, my ex of 3 years just started to date her ex again. I fear I took too long to tell her how I felt, but like I said every ones different. So are the stories and their endings. Get back to me let me know. Phoenix

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but i also need to know. anyone remember me from the boyfriend who didn't show at the airport?


he's back. he misses me. something is telling me that this is very tempting but cannot be repaired.


but i really don't know


has anyone ever been in the situation where your friends and family are saying 'forget it' and actually had it work out? because in my opinion, the people around you usually have a better perspective than you do....this is my first time being on the other end of this, where they really have lost faith in him.


what is NC? someone said they broke up and got back together after doing NC? what is that?

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NC is for No contact. Menaing you do not contact that person in any way - wait for contact from them. If you look around in the posts you'll see alot of info on it. It helps you heal and makes them think if they still have feelings.


My family & friends did not want me to work things out because of how bad I was hurt, but we did and now things are fine. Family and friends never want to see you hurt. But I know sometimes they may have very good reasons trying to hold you back. Luckily none of our issues were things that could not be overcome.


Hope this helps.

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