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Where's the fun in anything?


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hi sweetie, reading your thread I felt as though I should reply to you as someone whos starting to come through the other side 6 months ago my partner of 3 and a half years living together for 2 and a half text me to say he wanted 'space' I later found out that hed actually left me for another girl the pain was unbearable while id lost my partner, my home my pets he was still there sleeping in our bed with her cuddling up on our couch with her it justvseemed so unfair and the thoughts made me feel sick alls I did was go to work, sleep and sob. I couldn't eat couldn't sleep couldn't concentrate and like you id come on here praying thered be people telling me hed be back that everything will be ok. my ex insisted he still wanted us to be best friends insisting on seeing him on a weekly basis and texts me every 2/3 days alls this has done has prolonged my pain so now after 6 monthsmim about to cut all contact with him you might not believe me but in a few months you may not even want him back ive realized sadly I don't think it would be the same if me and my ex got back together trust me youre doing the right thing by going no contact! youre doing fantastic going to the dance classes I know it takes a lot to make yourself do things but it will benefit you in the long run I promise. if you need to cry then let it all oit don't hold it in but once youre done pick yourself up and keep moving forward. I know its cliché and doesn't help when youre in pain but time really does heal I now sleep better eat better and I no longer constantly think of my ex just remember no matter what happens youre going to be ok feel free to message me if youd like to chat

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What reason did he give you?

It makes me physically ill thinking about my ex with anyone else. He used to say the same. I am so low this weekend that I'm thinking really bad things to turn off my thoughts and feelings. I don't understand how he can do this, to stick with it and to just move on. I really cant. I really don't see him coming back and yet I still can't accept it or even get angry. This really is the worst break up ever.

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