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Me and my ex just said our final goodbyes to each other. He didn't think he could fall in love with me, and extra work commitments meant less time for me, so he decided to break it off. I've spent the week pleading for solutions, like me moving closer to him, and telling him love takes time, and he was kind int hat he gave it some extra thought, but he couldn't be swayed.


I finally met a man I can't take home any negatives about. He was kind, sweet, thoughtful and there isn't one bad sentiment from either side, which makes this the saddest thing I have ever had to experience in my life, and I've been through a lot.


I told him that in the 7 months we were together, it never once rained on us, even when the forecast said it would. The sun was always shining on us.


I go onto No contact now, I don't think it's going to be overally difficult in that everything that needs to be said has been said, and unless he one day changes his mind (which I do not anticipate or wait for) then it's too painful to hear from him. I feel like I've been gutted, I've lost the one thing in life that made me truly happy.

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It's so hard


People often break up around 3 months, 6 months, a year, 2 years...as they are check in points in relationships...and times to evaluate, "is this going where I want go?" and "Am I feeling the way I expect to be feeling at this time?"



You don't want to be with someone that is anything less than crazy about you.


Let your heart heal. Stay no contact. One day at a time...and in a few months, you'll be ready to get back out there. Don't dwell on him, or give him another thought aside from "he just wasn't my the one." Focus on the future. Focus on the kind of man you want to be with. Put it out the the Universe, "I'm looking for someone kind, funny and smart etc"....and go live your life. Find happiness.


You'll be fine

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Look at it this way at least you were lucky enough to say your final goodbyes that means you got closure ..the worst feeling in the world is been jilted and not getting closure and thinking what did you did wrong?.


I know how you feel breaking up with some one who you think is "the one" is the most difficult thing in the world.Believe me because I'm going through it these days but I'm impressed by your maturity and strength of accepting the situation .Not all of us can do that so hats off to you for that.Hang in there you will get through this and maybe hopefully one day you will find a man who is as crazy for you as you are for him.

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I am working through something similar. It was a wonderful relationship and we got along so well. I knew he was special and would mean a lot to me from the first date. A year and a half later his job moved him 2700 miles away. We did exceptionally well, the miles never mattered. The love was still strong. Then, he said he didn't want to come back to live here, though his job provided him the option. He wanted to stay over there. His parents were over there, they are aging and starting to have health issues. So HE decided to end it. It has taken me a month to realize that he did the logical thing. I believed in a fairy tale that might have never happened. How was it going to work? I have kids that are not his and legally the courts have denied our move.

So I understand about having it all and losing it. But unlike you, I was blindsided. I had no idea he was having doubts and I had no say in what would happen next.

Days are getting better. I'm having a good day today with lots of good news. But yesterday was horrible. After 12 days no contact, I called him and told him that I understand now why he did it. He never answers so I left a message. I know there is no coming back for him. He is not one to drag his feet. I lost my best friend and it feels like a death has taken place. Slowly, progress is evident and I look forward to more good days than bad. And I wish you the same Taven. ♥

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I finally met a man I can't take home any negatives about. He was kind, sweet, thoughtful and there isn't one bad sentiment from either side, which makes this the saddest thing I have ever had to experience in my life, and I've been through a lot.


I can really relate to this paragraph right now. I ended my relationship because it wasn't working anymore and I didn't see any way it could turn around, but neither of us has a single bad thing to say about the other and we both still care about each other immensely.


In an ironic way, it almost makes it harder... If only I could just be pissed at something she did instead of just immensely sad that I couldn't find a way to make it work with someone who seemed so perfect for me.

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