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After being in a relationship for over 10 Years and were about to get Married this year only to find myself alone again with her. There is no going back no chance of reconcile, the feelings and thoughts are What do I do? For those experiencing the same as me here are my goes to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel


    [*]Live Your Life (Whats the sense in moopoing when there is life out there

    [*]Remove all Contact Information including Social Media if at all posible

    [*]Forcus on you and stay in the Moment

    [*]Pick a Hobbie

    [*]Write a Daily Journey *Very Important*

    [*]Write a final letter to your Ex about all that you feel **BUT DON'T SENT IT** it is for you only (A good way to let go)


    I promise you that if you keep your guns to these suggestions you will come up on top! I know im doint it i hope I hear from those as well and their success story.


    3 things to remember to help you go through this which is helping me.


    1- Acceptance is key ..*accept the break up and accept that your going to feel like crap ..don't hide it or ignore it..just accept it recognize it and remember this this too shall pass.


    2- They told me that the best revenge is moving on (you would need time to understand that phrase but keep telling yourself that


    and finally which is very true ...


    we all ask ourselves when will these feelings go away ..when will I be happy again, when will I see the light.


    Best Answer is : The Day your Mind stops asking.


    Hopefully this has help at least one person that is going through the same as I ..


    Best wishes ...~NewLife

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