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In a nutshell: I used to be crazy about this girl. I have since lost the feelings i had for her. Gone crazy over another girl whos friend has asked me to the prom, although me and her friend have no feelings towards each other as far as i can tell. First girl has suddenly sprung something on me...




Me: From England. Was overweight. Lost 2 and a bit stone in as many months (mainly thanks to me doing a stupid diet that leaves me hungry- but works) But now i am confident in myself and my body. I am popular in high school. Im not a jock or anything like that, but its my humour that has got me my popularity. Not to mention the funny/serious assemblys i have done. I get on with every1 including the chavs, the american equivalent of a jock. Although i do feel like i am a bit of a novelty to some people sometimes. I am 16


Girl 1: Used to be mad crazy about her. Shes flirty with every1 and has a long term boyfriend. I kinda gave up but now she came up to me today and was doing that really sweet stuff, playing with my jacket etc, so now im going to a disco with her in town. Apprently shes inviting quite a few people, but concidering ive never seen her outside of school, i think getting an invite from her counts for something.


Me being an excentric kind of guy, i sometimes sing songs out loud, sometimes stupid to make people laugh, but she always likes me singing neways. So neway i was singing a particular favorite of mine while walking down the science corridor and she cought up with me. So i sand the chorus again and she said (and at this point i cant tell what the hell it means) "Ha i love it when you sing, i love you, you will never realise how much" which left me a bit stunned (she is the flirty type, and does play with guys to a certain extent. but that line?). So i dident really know what to do as she walked away to her girlfriends so i just said "cya later"


Girl 2: I really like her at the moment, over the past week ive been really trying to get to know her, although she dosent seem interested in that way. But that dosent change how i feel about her.


Girl 3: Friend of girl 2. After break up of her and her boyfriend she admitted to girl 2 that out of all the people in our year, i am the only person she wants to go to the prom with. And so, along with girl 2 arranged it so that if neither of us was in a relationship come prom, that we would be going togehter. Thing is we both admit that we dont have feelings for each other, but always have a good laugh and get along.


Im afraid any move with girl 2 may conflict with girl 3.


This is seriously messing with my head at the moment and really dont know what to do.


Do i

a) see how this disco thing turns out

b) get closer to girl 2

c) other.


Any help would be appreciated.





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Just have fun! Get to know all three of them better. That may help you make your decision. Or, if one of them has a bf (#1?) you may not want to spend your time on her.


that would seem like the sensible thing to do. but im a bit shy when it comes to stuff like this. This is the guy who stands up infront of the 200 people in his year to present stuff...

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Honestly, it sounds like you have emerged from your shell and are finally feeling comfortable with yourself, which is great. Keep it up. That's why you have all these women coming after you now, because you're confident. But I agree with the other posts, don't try too hard to get any one of them to commit to a relationship just yet, it may do you more harm than good. Just have fun with it like you are doing and you'll see that when it rains it pours.

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