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"i love you" question


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hello everyone, i have a question so i was hoping outsiders opinion could help. anyway, long story short: i met a really sweet girl 2 months ago and we hit it off really quickly. 3 weeks into the relationship and spending a lot of time together i said "i love you" because i genuinely felt that way and she said it back (actually she wanted to say it first, or so she says). also, she said some pretty big things, met her parents and friends and so on which actually gave me courage to open myself to her more. and she is a giver type to be honest.


anyway, last night we were on the phone and i said "i love you so much" and she dropped "how can you, you know me only for two months?" which left me feeling kinda weird. after telling her what i love about her she said she's just not comfortable with those words right now which is fine by me though she said "i love you" and "i love you too" on previous occasions.


so what do you guys make of all this? is she changing her opinion or might actually doubt my feelings?

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I don't think she doubts your feelings. It sounds like she feels it's too early to have such deep feelings. Before when you both said "I love you" to each other, she might have regarded it as a cute thing that's not necessarily serious, but now she's come to realise that you truly do love her a lot so she wants to slow things down a bit.


It's weird because girls are normally the ones who do want to feel loved and cherished (speaking as one). Perhaps she's not looking for a serious relationship right now. You should talk to her about it.

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I don't think she doubts your feelings. It sounds like she feels it's too early to have such deep feelings. Before when you both said "I love you" to each other, she might have regarded it as a cute thing that's not necessarily serious, but now she's come to realise that you truly do love her a lot so she wants to slow things down a bit.


It's weird because girls are normally the ones who do want to feel loved and cherished (speaking as one). Perhaps she's not looking for a serious relationship right now. You should talk to her about it.

well one of those big things she said to me is that she doesn't want to let me go and that she always wants to be mine, so...i dunno.

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well one of those big things she said to me is that she doesn't want to let me go and that she always wants to be mine, so...i dunno.


It wasn't fair for her to lead you on if she's now revealing that she doesn't want things to get too serious


Sometimes people say things 'in the moment' which can be confirmed to be true or not with what they say afterwards when they're serious. In this case it seems she was exaggerating.


But this is only my opinion- I don't know her myself remember

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This came to mind as well. Sort of like a "why do you love me" but without actually asking that. She may be looking for validation or reassurance.


I never got the feeling that she is trying to "take it back".


i was thinking of that actually. i mean, most of the time we might regard ourselves as flawed, insecure, not good enough and everything that goes along that line but we rarely stop and think about that the person accross might have exact those feelings and thoughts.


on topic never gone out and had a bad time.

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in addition to everything posted e.g.: two weeks-ish into relationship i said something like "i can't go on a vacation due to my job this year" (casual convo) and she said like "don't worry, we'll go together next year" (which was to me really super sweet thing to hear).


so with that in mind could it really be she actually asked "why do you love me?" or "how come that you love me?" #insecurity

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