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A Bit Of A Liberty


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I dropped off all the rest of her stuff at the weekend as I was fed up of being let down for another weekend of her saying she'll come and collect it and pull out at the last minute leaving me to look at it and get upset for another week.

She wasn't home (thankfully) but her parents were. They were embarrassed as they knew nothing about me coming but I was very polite and gave her mum a kiss and shook her dads hand and told them both how they had been wonderful to me and that I hoped we could one day be friends. I managed to hold the tears.


I got an email yesterday to sarcastically say 'thank you' for dropping off her stuff and that I could've waited for her to let me know (I'd waited 3 weeks) she'd collect it. She also mentioned I owed her £500 (I thought it was nearer £200) but as soon as she told me that I immediately transferred the money accross without questioning it and to get it broken down as that would've meant more emails and further pain for me.

You might call me a fool for paying something that I didn't even question but I simply want her off my back now....as a single father, £500 is a lot of money to me but to free myself from her I would've paid a £1000 if she had asked. She doesn't need the money and she knows how upset I am about it all but still she wouldn't relent.


I'm just upset and struggle to question how my best friend is now my sworn enemy.....all in a matter of weeks.


There is no reason for her to contact me anymore now.

After my suicide attempt last week, I'm trying to look towards the future and hope my days become brighter......I also want a decent nights sleep.


Thanks for reading and your continued support.

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Thank you KK.

I will certainly do that.


I've been nothing more than a gentleman throughout this.

If the shoe had been on the other foot (ie - I fell in love with someone else) my stuff would've been thrown out of a car window all accross my drive.

I guess at least I've been the bigger man.


Time to move on now.........

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Same thing happened to me. I left my ex after I caught him cheating. I was nothing but a lady, went forward with my life with dignity & respect & showed my kids I was the better person.

My ex was a douchebag. Told me I broke up his family, found a great accountant so my child support was minimal, moved the gf into our marital home & so much more.......


Our adult children tolerate him, and know from his past behaviour what he is like. I never told them a thing.


Keep walking forward with your head held high, knowing you are a good person. Self respect is an amazing thing.


Take care

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You did the right thing man, consider the $500 as a lesson. Tell you my situation. My ex owed me around 3,000 and she didn't even have the integrity to pay it back after she cheated on me. I never asked her for the money either, i waited for her to own up to it but she never did so i left it at that. I'd rather not see her and lose the 3k than have to go through the pain in trying to get it back. the breakup was extremely hard on me as i was in love with her, but i accepted the extremely rough breakup as a very hard and painful lesson and expensive...I looked at it this way, the more painful and expensive the breakup was, the more i was going to learn from it.


I completely cut her off, destroyed everything she ever gave me( i didn't just throw it away, i felt the need to actually destroy it) and the items she had borrowed from me i told her i didn't want them back because i didn't wanna have to see her, and she had borrowed things i really liked...I didn't want to have any connection for her to try to make an excuse to see me. 5 weeks is nothing man. It took me a full year to completely get over her and that was FULL ON NC(blocked on facebook, cell # deleted, told friends not to talk about her in front of me, etc. the pain gradually diminishing as the year went on and another year where i still thought about her every day even though i had no feelings left for her(it was just due to habit than really missing her).


You'll get to this point, and you'll look back on it and thank yourself that you didn't waste anymore time trying to hold on to something that wasn't worth your effort. Improve yourself and be a better wiser person from it.

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I had some counselling today and my guy asked what was the need to ask for the stuff back when she clearly had no intention picking it up?

We reckon it's probably breadcrumbs....just to see that I'm still there willing to reciprocate contact.

Time to stop now.....we have nothing left in common anymore.


I hope she doesn't contact me again.....my counsellor has said you'd better prepare well, as I think she will sometime in the future.

I hope by then I'm as far away from what I am feeling as I am now and I'm in a position to say, 'no thanks'

Here's hoping.....

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