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Update: Following on from the previous thread of new guy appearing in my life..


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Well what a day! I started off waking up feeling extremely anxious didn't do my usual morning run, so I booked in to see the doctor this morning. I asked her to do full bloods as well and she has referred me to a therapist that I will see next week. I feel better already talking to the GP about my anxiety, she was really understanding and very proactive into helping me with it all.


She also gave me a website to go to in the meantime that should help.


Obviously I started work a bit later due to the appointment and who shows up, but the guy that I know who messaged me through the dating site. He came in to purchase some items. I asked him what he was up to etc, he was very smiley and nice. He also asked me how I was going with the online dating and I explained I hadn't had much of a chance lately to have a good look on there, and he said "good luck with it".. So I am not sure what to make of that comment?


I was happy to see him, I thought I handled it all really well, I wasn't a nervous wreck (I must be getting better at this) and could tell there was a mutual attraction. I was just wondering where I should go from here? Should I message him and say it was nice to see him, how about a coffee sometime?

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