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What does it mean????HELP ME

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It can sometimes depend on the time frame since the break up and the circumstances surrounding it. In some cases, the person may be confused or are unsure and are unable to provide you with a definite answer. Unfortunately, in most cases, when someone doesn't give you the respect or acknowledgement by reason or explanation then more than likely they're done, over it, and either have or are ready to move on. However, you were a part of the relationship and should understand what happened or went wrong. Although it would be the most humane and caring thing to do, in all honesty, they don't owe you anything once it's done. Not even a reason why.

It seems to me like this person is more focused on themselves and their happiness. They understand that they must live and account for themselves. Moving forward and not looking back once something has run it's course is the healthiest thing to do.

If it's over, then move on. You can not make anyone do something they don't want to do. Continuing to ask, bother, pled, or irritate someone who does not want to be bothered isn't going to get you what you want. If a reason or explanation is what you desire and if that person has any intentions on giving you one, leaving them alone by giving them some time and space may be the only thing that will allow them to feel comfortable opening up and being honest. Just don't get your hopes up and set yourself up for disappointment if/when the explanation does come. Most times their opening is the final steps in closing the chapter in their lives that the two of you once shared.

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I was dumped in a very cold fashion with no explanation either. It's the biggest insult you can have to a long term relationship. Your ex was too coward to let you go kindly and never valued the relationship the way you did. You are going to struggle with this for some time to come, but realize that your ex has shown you absolutely no respect and has probably ruined any good memories you have of them. Don't hold out for an explanation. Move on and never let them back in your life. You deserve a lot better than this.

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Where do you get this from?


Your ex was too coward to let you go kindly and never valued the relationship the way you did. You are going to struggle with this for some time to come, but realize that your ex has shown you absolutely no respect and has probably ruined any good memories you have of them.
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Where do you get this from?


Firsthand experience. If someone took you on a road trip and left you behind to go home, you'd want an explanation, right? If someone breaks up with no explanation, it's a significant impact on the other person's emotions and I think they deserve an explanation. If you ask me, when someone dumps and runs with nothing to say, it shows no respect for the person they once had an emotional connection with.

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When did OP say any of that happened?


Firsthand experience. If someone took you on a road trip and left you behind to go home, you'd want an explanation, right? If someone breaks up with no explanation, it's a significant impact on the other person's emotions and I think they deserve an explanation. If you ask me, when someone dumps and runs with nothing to say, it shows no respect for the person they once had an emotional connection with.
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You're telling OP that their ex never cared for them. You have no idea what the other person did or did not feel. You are projecting your feelings into this thread. For all we know, OP had one date with this person and they rejected them.


Or they were married 20 years and had 10 children.


Your speculation from the very limited info provided in the first post is not going to help the OP.

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