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I just don't understand...help!


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Any suggestions??

So I've known this guy for several years & we've 'hooked up' before but nothing serious. Well, he now is in a serious relationship, they're moving in together, doing things with her family, etc. , yet he still texts me with random pics of 'himself' or asking me to send some sexy or naughty pics. I don't do it, obviously. I'm sorry to sound naive here, but is this the norm or what? By the way, he lives on the other side of the country so it's not like I ever see him.

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Sure it's normal. For a cheating lying rat who wants you on the side while he has a serious relationship elsewhere. Keep in mind there are people out there who would happily let you do all manner of things with and to them including sleeping with them, heck even dropping food into their mouths and moving their jaws for them if you'd do it. This does not however mean you should do so. Sorry honey, there will always be people out there willing to cheat and drag you down with them if you let them. The trick is to never let them. Block and delete the loser and move on with your life, he's not worth it.

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