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I Found What I Wanted - Facebook Stalking


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I'm on Day 16 of NC and yet again I was bored on the internet and I 'decided' (even though I know it destroys me) to put two and two together and try and see who this guy actually is.


It took me 2 hours and through the help of mutual friends I found him.


The thing is now I've found him I've put myself back to square one.

He is a nice looking lad but is a boxer and nothing like me at all.


It's such a shame as I was getting myself back together and moving on day by day by baby steps and was healing.


I told my friend everything that I've done today and although he didn't get cross with me we both agreed the internet and facebook is such a powerful tool that we wished we were back in the old days as you HAD to move on as there was no other choice.


I feel a complete fool tonight as I've unearthed everything I wanted to the detriment of my healing.


I think I just about hate myself today!!

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Even though you "know it destroys you" you went ahead and did it anyway. You need to go cold turkey withdrawl from your addiction to him and thoughts of him and get out a do something productive when the craving comes over you for more of your addictive substance known as "I need to know what the ex is up to."


Zero contact. That means in social media or the more old fashioned way via telephone, teletype from a telegraph machine, notes via carrier pigeon or smoke signals.

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The thing is I've actually got to a point where I realised the relationship was so unhealthy and I was unhappy for such a long period of time......I was moving on but very slowly.


I feel back to the very beginning of finding out now - ie 7 weeks of healing down the drain.

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I know this might seem crazy, but dont see your facebook stalking as a huge horrible mistake; so you fell off the bandwagon a bit; tomorrow is a new day, so you just start again! You have aknowledged and understand why you shouldnt have looked at the profile, and you have learned from the experience, albiet the hard way. Dont beat yourself up about it too much I hope you are feeling better soon OP

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If anything you've actually helped yourself and now you don't have to speculate about who she is seeing.


You now have the facts and are able to process that information, now you have seen she is moving on or moved on you can do the same.


Just keep your chin up, have your sh*t days but continue to progress

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