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What do I do when things just never ever seem to get better? Suicide seems like the only way to get rid of this deep inner pain I feel. I'm rarely happy or when I am something happens to quickly change that. I've felt like a worthless piece of crap for the past 3 years since my ex cheated and left me. everyone that enters my life leaves it so that makes it even worse. I feel like I am being punished and I should not be living in the first place as I don't know what my purpose is. I am existing not living. I don't get to travel and go places, I don't have any friends, only my parents. I'm almost out of hope not sure what to do anymore.

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I have been through a similar experience as you, from what I can tell. My boyfriend cheated on me a little over two years ago and I spent the majority of the time since feeling depressed. I was put on anti-depressants and nothing seemed to work. People felt as if they could understand and relate to me when in reality they had no idea what I was going through. That's why I'm not going to pretend to know your exact situation, because every person, and their situation, is unique. What I have found out throughout this past year though, is that it can get better. I remember absolutely hating whenever anyone would try and tell me that. But there are people in this world who love you and care about you, that I can guarantee. So while it seems like you will never recover from this, suicide is not the answer. I started joining art classes and fitness classes so I could meet new people. These may not be your hobbies, but I strongly recommended getting out and trying to meet people who share interests with you and understand you.


Stay strong, no matter what you think now, you're special.



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