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ello every1

im new here and have a bit of a problem. recently i have been getting feelings for one of my best friends, which would normally be great because shes one of the best people ive eva met and she has feelings for me. We are both 16, im a guy and shes a girl by the way, and weve been close for a while now and its only recently ive started wanting her differently, i no being with her will be one of the best thingsthat cud happen to me rite now and i really do care about her but she has a boyfriend. they are close bt they fight all the time and he doesnt treat her like she deserves to be, he isnt to fond of me either caus of my close relationship with her. i really want her and i think she wants me but dont want to be the guy that "steals" another guys girl, its happened to me and its just unfair.

any advice u could give would help, happy holidays. thnks

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Hey There Snuf


I'm in a similar situation...


I love my friend, she has a boyfriend... He's not too fond of me because of it and the differance is that she said she likes me.


What I have been doing is trying to show her what I can offer her in a relationship. She has told me all of the bad things about the relationship with her boyfriend and I show her how a relationship should really be like... Loyalty, respect, trust and everything like that... Which she isn't getting in her current relationship.


The best thing for you to do is be her best friend... Spend some time talking about relationship with her and plant the idea in her mind that she isn't in a very good relationship..


Another thing you can do is tell her that you have strong feelings for her, just so she knows and she knows the option is there...


Other than that, just be her friend and be there for her. Hopefully eventually she will come around and realize how it really is.


Best of luck to ya bud!



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Continue being a friend to her but don't make any kind of move to be more. You need to respect the relationship she's already in. If it's as bad as you say it shouldn't be long before they break up. Be there if she needs comforting or just someone to talk to or be nice to her. But wait some time before anything happens. You don't want to appear like your trying to steal her away or feel guilty that you did anything wrong. By being a friend, she'll respect you and before you know it you'll be together. The other guy might still blame you, just becuase its easier than admitting he did anything wrong. But know that his opinion doesn't matter. As long as you and her know the truth and are happy together, that's what is important.

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