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Obsessed with the new "Spiderman" movies


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I figure this is about as "off topic" as I can get.





When I was younger, movies used to affect me emotionally a lot more but as I grew up, I stayed away from movies either because I didn't have time or I just wasn't as engaged. I've seen many action movies, romantic comedies, horror films etc. and it's not that I don't find them interesting at all but very few films have stirred up any significant emotions in me as of late. Strangely, the one that did was one I thought had no chance to. I loved the first 2 Spiderman films (Spiderman 3 was eh) with Tobey Mcguire and didn't see the point in them making a new one with a different actor. I was originally not even going to see it but I'm SO glad I did.


The thing that I love the most about the past 2 Spiderman films though isn't so much Spider-Man himself (even though I like what they've done with the character) but rather Peter's interactions with Gwen Stacy (yes, I'm one of those geeks that refers to the actors by their movie names and not Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone). Basically, my one weak spot is that I'm a hopeless romantic. By the same token, I like my movie romances to be believable. I like Adam Sandler movies but they're all almost the same. Adam is usually some kind of dork who has no shot with women and somehow charms a woman he should have no chance with and they fall in love with his "dorkiness".


Something about The Amazing Spider-Man really touched me. I liked the Amazing Spider-Man as I was first watching it but it wasn't until the scene where Peter tries to ask Gwen out and fails miserably (saying "uh how about we...? uh... or...") and she still says yes (in a way) that I took notice. For whatever reason I was intrigued by the movie after that. Normally I'm not a huge fan of cheesy things like how Peter uses his web powers to bring Gwen close and kiss her but I felt it was called for and spiced up the moment. The emotions and sensitivity exhibited by both were believable and enthralling throughout that film, making her father's death all the more poignant, as she's torn between both her father's wishes and Peter.


Again, I have no idea why I'm posting this, I'm just a hopeless romantic and sometimes long for the fantasy like this, where love could be this simple and I could stumble over my words and just meet a really kind, genuine woman who wouldn't even care if I were Spiderman and had this weird baggage (not that I do, but still). Getting back to the emotions though, I haven't had a movie affect me quite like the sequel did.




I had a bad feeling Gwen was going to die in this movie, and as the battle with Electro grew more intense I had my eyes out for everything (as if I had a chance to save her lol), hoping she wouldn't be hit with a stray blast of lightning or somehow be involved with those planes that lost communication and didn't know where they were flying. I sighed with relief when Electro was beaten but right on cue, here comes Green Goblin. At first, the Spiderman fan in me is saying "Yea, Spidey, go get him!" but then I see him turn towards Gwen and my heart just drops. I realize this isn't going to be a battle so much. The line Goblin uses is just heart wrenching "Spiderman takes away hope... now I'm going to take yours..."


That ENTIRE sequence still replays in my head and I saw this movie 2 weeks ago. I keep seeing that clock tower, Gwen plummeting. I keep thinking 20 times about how many ways he could've saved her and almost saves her. I was ridiculously distraught over this and yet the tragic end makes their relationship that much more final. I can freely admit (along with several others in the theater that night) that I did cry at the end of that movie. I thought there was a 1% chance she could live and sure enough, the movie was genius in its execution of that death scene, one that (in my opinion) will live on as one of the most memorable scenes in a superhero movie.


Again, I have no idea why I'm compelled to write this. I finally got the time to watch the first Amazing Spiderman again for the first time since seeing the 2nd one and it was a bit weird to see Gwen again (Emma Stone, I know...). I kept thinking about how her days were numbered and how their love wouldn't last... and I'll admit, it made watching the movie a bit different but still enjoyable. Long live Gwen Stacy

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