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Social Media, Dating and Relationship Status [For Idiot's Like Me]


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I'll be the first to admit that I'm old and the idea of incorporating someone else into my social media circle is foreign to me. However I am dating a woman who values social media.


Over the weekend I tagged her in a Facebook picture. She seemed really happy that I took that step since I've never mentioned any of the girls that I dated before ... ever. My relationship status has never changed since I started my FB account. She thinks that is odd; I think it's normal for me.


We fit together like no one else that I have ever dated and we've both admitted this to the other person. We are exclusive. We spend a lot of time together, do the daily routine things together as well as date nights, have introduced one another to our friends, she's meeting my family for Mother's Day, we're not hiding anything .... for all intents and purposes this is the type of relationship that I have always sought but never found.


We've begun planning our first trip together which will be in July.


I see a bright future with this one. I'm falling in love with her. I feel it. I didn't mean for it to happen this fast but she and I don't allow rules to define how we are together. Last night, and more than once, she referred to me as "my love". I am 100% into this and into her and where this may lead us both.


Considering all of that when would you do the relationship status? It's not important for me. It is for her. And since it will make her happy, I want to do it. She's worth breaking all of the dumb rules I had about keeping my personal life off of FB. Do you talk about this first or do you just do it? If you need to talk about it, how do you bring it up?


I'm a complete moron as it concerns social media. It confuses me and as such it kind of shakes my otherwise over abundance of confidence.

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If it's not a big deal to you at all, but she wants it, why not do it?


I think by default, relationship statuses are not public, they are only visible to your friends. If you two are exclusive and in love, then all your friends would know anyways, right? So no big deal.


I would just make the status "In a Relationship" and put her name and it will go to her to confirm.

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