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Gave Pop/Soda up for Lent - Good idea?

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Hi Everyone,


This year I decided to completely give up pop/soda products for lent, so that I could cleanse my body of it for a while. After about a week, I felt tired and drowsy a lot. So I decided to started drinking Gatorade and Powerade (thinking that I could replenish my electrolytes), along with juices and water to substitute for the pop/soda I used to drink an excessive amount of. However, the ade products that I have been drinking everyday that thought were better for me, I just noticed actually have just as much High Fructose Corn Syrup per bottle, but slightly more water content.


Are the ade or juices drinks any better for me? I mean, I don't want to have to limit myself to just water everyday, even though it's good for the body.

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Do yourself a favor and stop drinking all the garbage. Gatorade is only OK in moderation. Too much and it will mess you up. Same goes for anything in excess. Drink water and if you like, read the juice labels - stick to no sugar or sweeteners added and organic and also in moderation. After awhile you'll notice that you don't actually need anything and have plenty of energy.

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1) Water

2) Make fruit infused water (water with lemon in it, etc.)

3) raw juices from your juicer.

4) Green tea.


Also, drink Coconut water instead of Powerade. You will get the electrolytes you need more naturally and healtfully. Powerade, etc is just sugar water!


And I would keep giving it up, even after Lent is over. It takes 21 days to make a habit and you won't miss it, and neither will your teeth.

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I have recently come off of soda after having been a devout Coke consumer (like…4-5 times a day) and I already feel better. I am drinking a ton of water, and occasionally I will allow myself one soda but after drinking it I feel gross. It's empty calories and the sugar is not good for you at all. And it will rot your teeth. Try tea, even lemonade. Also, take some energy supplements. Vitamins B-12 and D are great, I take one little supplement a day and I already feel so much better.


After lent, try not to go back to the soda. It really does wear you down and will add pounds. I read where if you just substitute one soda a day for a big glade of water you will save yourself from gaining about 5 pounds a year. Humans were not designed to ingest bubbly sugar based drinks. Look at the paleo diet --- how humans were designed to ingest and eat. I have a friend who is doing the paleo and said she feels like a completely different person and it has reversed her hypothyroidism.

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