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Yet another dog issue


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In the neighborhood I live in, people tend to get "vicious" breeds to seem tough and raise them to be mean. Pit bulls, Rottweilers ect.


I have new neighbors that obviously repeatedly breed there two pits for money. The poor mom dogs breasts and stomach touch the ground.


But anyways, both of there dogs are quite mean. And they're tearing down my privacy fence that my dad put up. This isn't a weak fence, it's nailed into the ground and has been through all weather and still held out fine. Until they moved in a few DAYS ago.


It's been a couple days and every time I go out back, or let's my dogs out, there dogs charge the fence. It's gotten to the point where I'm putting them out front to avoid the fence beig KNOCKED down and the dogs attacking me or my dogs.


I'm going to say something to them about it today. Not sure how I should word it though?


As a side note, I took pictures of the damage just in case they deny it and try something sneaky. Hopefully they won't do that though.

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It is not a dog problem - its an OWNER problem. That is really sad. I feel sad for momma dog. I think you should just mention to the owners that it seems that the fence keeps getting charged by their dogs and your fence keeps breaking. Is there a solution that you can come up with together that would stop this from happening. The other thing you can also do is if momma is in bad shape, some pitbull rescues do educational outreach (not to take dogs away, but to try to educate people about their handling and care). Not like they seem to care, though.

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It is not a dog problem - its an OWNER problem. That is really sad. I feel sad for momma dog. I think you should just mention to the owners that it seems that the fence keeps getting charged by their dogs and your fence keeps breaking. Is there a solution that you can come up with together that would stop this from happening. The other thing you can also do is if momma is in bad shape, some pitbull rescues do educational outreach (not to take dogs away, but to try to educate people about their handling and care). Not like they seem to care, though.


Yes, I agree it's an owner problem. I'm a huge pit bull advocate, I have one myself and she's a sweetheart. My shizu scares her! lol.


I hate to be judgmental, but in my neighborhood a lot of the people are quite, well, ignorant to be blunt. And these new neighbors haven't given the best impression. In fact they're having a screaming match as I type this!


I'm just going to tell them there dogs are breaking the fence down and ask them if they could try to keep them on the other side of the yard. If the conversation goes well I will suggest some programs to help them with there dogs.

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Maybe you should try to kill them with kindness so they will open up to talking. If you notice that their dogs are lacking something, maybe go over there with some dog treats and say "someone gave me way more dog treats/food than my dog is going to eat. i thought you might like someone for your guys..." Maybe small volleys like that will make an opening for you to eventually talk to them and give to eventually make other comments. "i know about this great trainer...etc.." or "i know that neutering male dogs definitely helps...if you have one that you won't be breeding, it might make a difference in his behavior..."

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If the owners are having screaming contests, doing backyard dog breeding for money and their dogs are so uncontrollable that they are doing damage to your property, I doubt they will listen to any suggestions about taking the dogs to a trainer. Backyard breeders are breeding for money. What you have to watch for is if these people are breeding for dogfight rings (I have a feeling they are) and if you got enough evidence, then authorities will take action. But over two people with two dogs... Meh.


I lived with roommates who had several aggressive dogs and they were A-holes. Hell, I couldn't even stand living with them and their out of control dogs. They had neighbors complain about them, called the cops on them, and reported them to the ASPCA... They did nothing. The dogs stayed and the neighbors finally moved out. My best friend lived next door to a neighbor with 4 aggressive pits... She also complained and nothing got done.


If you notice that their dogs are lacking something, maybe go over there with some dog treats and say "someone gave me way more dog treats/food than my dog is going to eat. i thought you might like someone for your guys..." Maybe small volleys like that will make an opening for you to eventually talk to them and give to eventually make other comments. "i know about this great trainer...etc.." or "i know that neutering male dogs definitely helps...if you have one that you won't be breeding, it might make a difference in his behavior..."

My former roommates would of scowl and say to "Mind your own F'ing business." They did with me. Sadly you can't cure stupid or make people be responsible pet owners unless they abuse their pets. You can try, but it may not work.


I wish I had better suggestions... But I don't have. If their dogs do cause property damage then you have a solid case to speak to police.

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Snny, they certainly are breeding for money. You can tell the female dog has had multiple litters just by the damage on her body. And they must not have been raised well, (don't wanna accuse them of dog abuse but you know...) because there very aggressive. No dog is crazy aggressive like that typically without some abuse or something fishy going on.


I spoke to them today and they offered to buy wood to support the fence. They said they were planning on building a kennel soon, but we'll see....


They really do fit the criteria for backyard breeding and fighting rings now that I think about it. I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled.

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This isn't a weak fence, it's nailed into the ground and has been through all weather and still held out fine. Until they moved in a few DAYS ago.


I don't understand how it's not put up with concrete and posts if it's a privacy fence. I have a privacy fence separating me from my neighbors and there's no way anything could knock it down. What do you mean, it's nailed into the ground?


Might be worth investing the money to have it secured permanently.

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I don't understand how it's not put up with concrete and posts if it's a privacy fence. I have a privacy fence separating me from my neighbors and there's no way anything could knock it down. What do you mean, it's nailed into the ground?


Might be worth investing the money to have it secured permanently.


My dad drilled deep holes into the ground and individually secured the posts into them. The post has done fine for years, from me being a kid climbing it, to a few small tornados and all that. The damage of two strong pit bulls clawing and ramming into it and digging under it for three days straight has messed it up.

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