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penis size question... and its NOT is it big enough


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hey all i was just wondering how big my size will end up based on normal growth projections. men in my family mature late usualy having major growth around 17 and at the moment im 15 and its just over 7 inches in length and 5 inches in girth so based on growth charts since i havent even started any of my major growth how big do you think it will get?

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you cant really give an accurate assessment without having some kind of professional advice. Figure that you are still growing and that it is possible for it to get larger. I wouldnt obsess over the size you currently are its not that big of a deal. If you want to think about it this way the average is from 5-7 inches and you are already well within the acceptable range.

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you cant really give an accurate assessment without having some kind of professional advice.


Very true.


Besides, what *real* difference does it make anyway? You'll grow as much as you grow when it's time for you to grow. Stop obsessing over your penis size...there are much bigger issues to worry about (no pun intended).

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Plus one thing to note is that your penis doesn't keep growing like the rest of your body. Usually the penis reaches it's final stage of "growth" by puberty, after that the penis usually doesn't grow any further than that (maybe a half inch or so, but nothing really important). I'd say that your penis is about as big as it's going to get, you may see a small amount of growth in a few years, but nothing that's going to make a difference in your eyes. That's just what I've heard though, so I'm not too sure how accurate that information is.

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im not that obsessed with it despite what yall think i was just wondering this and was hoping to get actual answers out of this forum rather than just endless replys about not worrying about my size. and thank you for the one usefull comment iv gotten so far Switch 187. i was just wondering average growth rate for it because i got bored and where do most 15 year old minds wander when they are bored? SEX. i used to be like 4 or 5 inches about a year ago. and i grew like half an inch in the past month so your saying most likely ill never be bigger than 7.5 inches?

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"Useful" is relative.


I think telling you that you couldn't determine it without a professional's advice and that you needed to stop worrying about it was QUITE useful. I answered your question AND gave my extra 2 cents.


We aren't here to tell you what you want to hear (if that were the case, we'd all simply tell you that you'll eventually have a 10 or 11 inch penis); we're here to tell you the truth. Would you prefer we all lied?

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Quazit in answer to your question I would say Yes. From what I've heard the penis stops growing after puberty or around 18-19 years of age. So from that I assume that you wont see anymore growth during these next years, or just a small amount (like going from 7 to 7.5). Anyways I don't know how accurate this information is, it's just what I've heard from professors and classmates in College. It may grow again (one professor said that some males have a "second growth" around 28+, which will give another inch or two, but it's not that common) or it is done and that the size you will have for the rest of your life. As I said though, I don't know how accurate this information is, or how useful it really is for you, but it's all I have to offer you for your question.

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well thank you but do think it might be a bit different for me since men in my family start and end puberty at least 2 years later. i barely started puberty at 14. im supposed to do every stitch of my major growing at 17 according to our history. would this change it at all?

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Ya one trend i have noticed is that all these kids 15 and below say theirs is like 7-8 inches.Ive never seen one post with one that age saying its like 5-6.


lol, this site has the worst measures of all people I know, or its a big (excuse the pun) coincedence, because the average penis is about just over 6 inches and yet basically everyone in this site on any thread related to penis size has said their penis is bigger than that.


So where are all the people who are the same or below that size?


Im happy to admit im a little below the average of 6 inches (im 5 1/2 inches), but im slightly smaller than the average guy in height so its makes sense proportion wise. In terms of girth im bang on the average of just over 5 inches, so overall im happy enough.



To the poster, we can't tell u when u will stop growing down there. Iirc from a table i attached to a thread i made about penis size, the average person has finished growing down there basically when they are 17.

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Ya im 17 and im prolly a lil bit bigger then 6.5 inches the average.But it seems like most of these youngins say they have a monster penis the size of a porn stars.Im just saying the general people that post on this say theirs is huge.Im not calling anybody lyers just saying a general opinion.

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Frankly, you are young and penis size average is 6 inches. So what's the big deal? Oh I guess it's similar to women and breast size. Seriously, I don't think your penis size will increase much. Again, 7 inches is larger than average unless someone has an implant. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that might be.. .


When you go through andropause, which is another name for male menopause in your mid to late 40s or 50s, then who knows but it may become smaller due to less male hormone production which occurs naturally for men.


Nothing to worry about. You'll be as active and normal as any male, just as you are now. So, rejoice! Your penis is a grand size! LOL.


Sincerely, and health to you,


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HOLY CRAPPA! 7 inches?! i wouldn't be worried, at all! if anything, you sound like you are getting to be extremely well hung. you haven't even stopped growing yet! when you decide to be sexually active, you are going to have to make sure you get you partner well and truelly ready and wet before you stick your penis anywhere! that's the only tip i'm goona give you cause on the other side , if they aren't turned on, lubed up and ready, it's gonna hurt your partner and also yourself! believe me, i've been there, done that with a guy that only relied on his big dongger, and no foreplay. not a good mix at all!

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i have one thing to say.




honestly thank you all for the 3 actual answers to my question although it is nice to hear from the few of you that iv probobly stopped growing. i know im a good size i dont care all that much if i get bigger it was just a question in the name of science and i measured using the way they say to on link removed. call me an inch shorter if you will but i had someone else measure me too and she got the same damn results.


it seems that by your guys answers and since men in my family generaly extend things about two years i should reach my absolute maximum penis size at about 19 im guessing which will most likely be at most 8 inches.

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Perhaps it's a matter of..um..pride? That's okay too, though. And where else can he publicly talk about this issue?


I really thought that all the hype about 15 inches is fallacy. I don't really care about others' sizes. My husband satisfies me. That's what I care about. And overall..


size just doesn't matter as long as a guy is functional, healthy, etc.


So, again, maybe it was that it is something for him to talk about.


If he goes into the medical field or volunteers for research, then it could be something he can talk about and share with a different perspective with respect to the subject.


Now let's just wait for breast size conversations so he can also comment back at us.





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Hey, don't worry about it too much man. But at the same time, you gotta take into consideration people, that we have some young people on these posts that just merely want to explore their sexual world and what is really going on. I know most of us are tired of the whole penis size issue but we have to keep in mind they are new to this. Let's give them the support they deserve instead of bombing them.


As for my size...could care less really. If someone don't like me for my member's size then their loss. Besides, I haven't had any complaints yet! (then again, only one person has seen him down there)

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Some parts of puberty, like skin problems, hair growth, and general physical maturity affect boys and girls with relatively equal impacts, thought the way they manifest themselves varies greatly. Boys starting puberty slightly later than girls (on average) and, as with girls, mature at different rates. Boys sexual development is usually broken down into 5 stages.


1. From birth to puberty, boys' genitals grow slightly. Then, during puberty, boys go through the next 4 stages.

2. The onset of puberty occurs anywhere between ages 9 and 16. At a signal from the hypthalamus (a region of the brain) and the puberty gland, boys' bodies start producing hormones, like testosterone, in thei gonads.

3. Beginning between ages 11 and 16, the penis gets longer and a little wider, and the penis and scrotum get darker. Shoulders broaden, hips narrow etc.

4. Between ages 11 and 17 there's another growth spurt for the penis, which gets considerable longer and wider.

5. Adult proportions are reached. This phase is usually completed by age 18, and may continue into the early twenties. The penis assumes it's full length and width; the scrotum is fully developed.


Now having this been said, I don't think you're done growing, but even with genetics, you won't end up with a 12" penis. Taking into the fact your age, I'd say you'll probably get to 8, maybe 8.5" but I doubt it will get any larger than that, besides that's large enough, if it's too large there's a lot of tiny woman that you'd be hurting. Hope I helped.

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if you will all remember my question it was notb "am i big enough" it was


hey all i was just wondering how big my size will end up based on normal growth projections.


No one said you asked if you were big enough. They simply speculated that pride is what made you want to know how big you would become.

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Why do these type questions always get turned into some huge argument? No wonder so many guys worry about their size (I'm not saying that anyone in this thread is), when people make such a huge about a simple little question regarding penises. Then, when a guy who isn't worried about his size (as in this case and as it should be), the stereotype continues and many people automatically assume that they are insecure about their size or bragging about it.


I was considering asking a question about breast growth, but you know what? I think I'll just wait a few years and see what happens then. Heaven forbid I ask a question about it in a community designed just for that purpose. Someone might think that I'm insecure about my size.


Let's lighten up a little.

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