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penis size question... and its NOT is it big enough


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Shygirl, I pmed you about your situation, and I hope it helped.


If I may, the problem here wasn't in his asking for help. The problem (at least on MY side of the fence) is that he immediately discounted responses that didn't say what he wanted to hear.


He saw one simple phrase in my post saying not to worry about it, and immediately deemed my advice as "useless".


Another part of the problem is that responses are being misconstrued. Many of the responses that are being taken offense to aren't accusing HIM of lying or worrying about his size -- they are simply saying that posts like this IN GENERAL tend to contain exaggerations and braggarts. There's a big difference. (If you disagree, check back over the posts -- some of them even state they aren't referencing this thread specifically.)


(One example was the post which included the pride issue -- the initial poster took it as her saying he wanted to know if he was big enough because he was being prideful. I took it as someone saying men usually take pride in the size of their penis and that's why he was making the inquiry. Again, big difference.)

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I dont think anyone should worry about this anymore, truthfully, It shouldnt matter, because if somebody wants you for a part of your body, then they r not worth worrying over it for. Me? Im happy where Im at, I dont really know or care how im doing in comparison to anyone else. My 2 cents.

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I agree with all of the following posters. But just keep in mind it is mostly youngsters asking about this and they are just concerned and curious. Just quench their thirst for knowledge because with young people, it really isn't all about being insecure. Now when you get to the 20 somethings asking that, THEN it could be an insecurity issue.

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sorry it sounded as if i took offence. it was just going off topic is what irked me so badly. i asked what should have been a relativly simple question the turned into 6 pages of posts. thank you for that whole 5 steps thing and i figured i would get no bigger than 8 inches. thank you all for your answers and sorry if i was snappy with some of you.

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