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What's with guys and breasts?

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Today me and my friend (girl) were talking, amongst ourselves, and this kid randomly says...

"Joy, you have big boobs." I wasn't even wearing reveiling clothing, and never do because of that,but I felt icky just by that comment.

"Well, I want to get a breast reduction when I turn 18," I said. T

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't like them, and cause more problems then..."

"So, guys like them"

"I don't care what guys like."

"That's stupid...."



Anyway, I know not all guys are as shallow as this kid and think girls want to please every guy, but...

Why are many guys so "attracted" to breasts? Girls don't check out a guy's "package" ....

Maybe it's just me...but do guys look at breats before face?

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Girls don't check out a guys package because they can't. Breasts are displayed at relatively their full size (with honest girls) at pretty much all times, regardless of how much skin on it you actually show. "Packages" are not always at full size and even if they are can be hard to distinguish. Guys like breats because of a biological reaction in the brain to physical stimulation by visual cueing of the sexual body parts of [normally] the opposite sex.

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In large part, it is just how we are made. The females of no other species of primate has breasts that remain full and on display during the entire time they are of breeding age. Women's breasts do remain full during that time. Why, because the women with breasts attracted men, so they passed on these genes. Something instinctual in men drew us to this feature.


If all a guy cares about are the size of your breasts, don't bother with him. Otherwise, don't worry about it.

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Why are men attracted to breasts? Like Beec was saying, it all goes back onto how we are genetically programed. For the benefit of the species, male animals evolved to pick their mates based on how well they were phyisically capable of brithing and taking care of young, which is why in general men find hips and breasts attractive, as hips are an indicator of a female's birthing capacity, and breasts a measure of how well she could nourish her young in infancy. That at least applies on a basic instictual level why breasts are attractive, i must say to reenforce VertygoX's point by saying that breasts are also generally soft and squishy and feel good to hold (call me a pig or a perv or whatever, thats just my opion). Perhaps the comfort also comes from insticnts which rooted in our infancy, as i said before, the first source of an nourishment an infant has is their mother's, and perhaps ingrains a positive assosiation between breasts and comfort. I'm not sure about that, but it seems like a possibility.Another contributing factoor is, as with every aspect of our lives, society: we simply like breasts individually because society as a whole(particularly media) tells us men should be attracted to breasts.


Also, to address what you said about lips being attractive, they are, but its on a much more subtle level. I mean why do you (women) wear lipstick? Lipstick, like all makeup, is there to call attention to a particular feature of the body, in the case of lipstic, lips (duh). This plays on the subconscious association of lips with kissing and sex (particularly oral sex), thus making us, at least subconsciously, excited by seeing a woman wearing lipstick.


Those are just my opinions and conclusions based on my admittedly small base knowledge in psychology, so they probobly aren't 100% correct. Hope that proved interesting to someone,


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You shouldn't have even held a conversation with that little jerk after he made such a personal remark to you. I don't think most guys would have the nerve to just walk up to a girl and say that. Yes, guys like breasts, they also like many other parts of the female body. But most of them have enough couth after a certain age not to make such rude comments right to a girl's face.

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I think mtastic made some great points here. Particularly his point about society and the media. I have travelled extensively through Europe and the USA and live in Australia. I have noticed in Europe and Australia, males do not have the fascination for breasts that exists in the US.


I put this down to the fact that in both those places, topless bathing is the norm, nudity is common on free to air TV, there is a much more relaxed attitude to the exposure of breasts.


Compare this with the US where exposure of a breast on TV (eg Janet) causes a national uprising and strip joints and girlie bars predominate. Males are subconsciously made to feel that a women's breasts are forbidden fruit. As they are usually a prominent feature they attract attention.


Don't blame the individual, society has elevated the breast to its dubious status in the eyes of the male.


I also agree with mtastic's point about looking for a mate, although that is a much more primal cause and includes many other factors.

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thats a good question...someone once told me that when a baby is in the whom it isnt a gender yet..for example the baby has female parts and until it gets to a certain age it become male or female so i guess all men were once female...whatever


i also dont get it cause i mean its mostly fat that your boobs are made of. i dont find them attractive at all (me having a c cup) and they do get in the way a lot. but let guys be guys

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not really sure why we enjoy looking at breasts. Men have a bunch of things that could be an advantage or disadvantage in looking at women. Women can't see a guys penis size if he has his clothes on, she can only see his face and butt(if women look at that). Men can see face, breasts, and butt, so I guess since it's the one thing we can see on you, but you can't see on us makes it attractive, but even so, it was wrong of that kid to say that in the first place, and you shouldnt have talked to him after.

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