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what's the difference between going on a date, meeting for drinks or for coffee?


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I've been talking to a guy I've known for a while, we both agree we should get to know each other better before moving things forward. I wonder what is going to happen. We will probably meet for coffee... is that a date or what?


It's a date.


If you were getting to know each other, it would be hanging out in a group of people. If that is you truly want to know each other.

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Coffee is a quick way to check one another out in person before deciding if you'd like to set a full date, like dinner or an outing.


It's a smart thing to do to prevent being stuck for a full evening or a full day with someone who you could have figured out turns you off within a few minutes.


So lots of people are taking their internet talking straight to coffee tables for a quick cup. If it doesn't work out, nobody's out the time and expense of a full date.


As for drinks, I'd stay away from those with a stranger. You could end up with a drunk on your hands. Skip that and meet fully sober.

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