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Yo guys I am DONE with this superficial society. I don't know if it's where I live or what but people are SO selfish and care only to look good. I want to live somewhere freer where people are artistic and smart and creative. Like one of those underground metros with those groups of homeless people just playing instruments or street dancing for money. I bet those people are so interesting. I bet they have really cool ideas and think about really unique things. They don't care if people think they look poor, they know they have talent. They have heart. All these wealthy white people (I'm white too) who can't stop drinking and taking Instagram photos...can't I just live in a place flourishing with creativity where people are positive and blind to superficiality, where they wear simple clothing but their personalities have so much color that it cancels out their seemingly bland physical appearances? Where people care to really search to the depths of another's identity before trying to seduce them?

I'm 17, but wow do I feel like I belong in the 1800's.

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Have you considered maybe being done, or mostly done, with your negative attitude? How about considering that it's not black and white as you suggest (and I don't mean racial black and white) and perhaps get involved in some volunteer work that involves the arts and involves helping people who are less fortunate than you. That might clarify and balance your perspective and make you feel productive and that you're doing something to effect change.

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Have you considered maybe being done, or mostly done, with your negative attitude? How about considering that it's not black and white as you suggest (and I don't mean racial black and white) and perhaps get involved in some volunteer work that involves the arts and involves helping people who are less fortunate than you. That might clarify and balance your perspective and make you feel productive and that you're doing something to effect change.


Yeah I didn't mean it to be negative in any way, I just felt frustrated for a moment. Sometimes emotions get the best of me lol.

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Didn't you just post about how you were irritated that people weren't attracted to you?


I don't mean to be rude but if this is the way you 'relate' or talk to people your own age then I can see why perhaps they aren't clamoring to date you. Did you read any of the responses people wrote on your last post? Why are you so down on everything? Look, we all have bad days but the reality is you aren't going to find a place where everyone is bland and homeless and plays musical instruments and all that. Unfortunately, life and society can get you down sometimes but everyone deals with it. EVERYONE. We kind of don't have a choice.


Find a group or artsy gathering where you can meet people similar to you. Or a book club. You can have very engaging, in depth conversations with people there and no one is judging anything. Superficiality exists and its a fact of life. You have to try to brush it off and not have such a negative attitude because you'll dig yourself into an anti-social hole. Yeah, I've looked at instagram and all the crazies who have accounts dedicated solely to selfies and pumping themselves up looking for compliments. It's twisted and it sucks.


Write down your feelings in a journal. Getting things out on paper sometimes helps. Go to the gym (not for superficiality) but to relieve stress. Take your mind off of things and focus on how you can be a positive contributing member of society.


Don't be so down on everything and don't focus on the negative. It's not attractive to anyone and it does absolutely nothing for your own good.

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Also--I felt the same way when I was your age and I ranted and raved to everyone about it and they were like "great. do something about it. don't wallow in it." Its healthy to rant and this board is an excellent place but now you got it out and it's a good idea to do your part to change it! Life is what YOU make it. Be happy! There are so many cool, artistic, creative, introspective people out there.


When you apply for college, look for a small liberal arts school. You'll feel SO at home there. May I suggest my alma mater, Emerson College in Boston, MA. Really cool people there. A lot who feel like you do.

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Also--I felt the same way when I was your age and I ranted and raved to everyone about it and they were like "great. do something about it. don't wallow in it." Its healthy to rant and this board is an excellent place but now you got it out and it's a good idea to do your part to change it! Life is what YOU make it. Be happy! There are so many cool, artistic, creative, introspective people out there.


When you apply for college, look for a small liberal arts school. You'll feel SO at home there. May I suggest my alma mater, Emerson College in Boston, MA. Really cool people there. A lot who feel like you do.


Thanks! I'll look into Emerson some. And you're right it's all only going to get better if I try to contribute to help. Thanks again.

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People with artistic/whimsical/fantastical personalities often think the way you do. "Regular" society isn't interesting enough and often comes accross as superficial, plastic and boring. There is no shame in expressing yourself or disagreeing with societies definition of normal and going against the grain. And, if you look hard enough you will find there are more people out there that share your way of thinking than you realize. Consider yourself lucky that you have discovered, at such a young age, that you have a unique way of thinking and you are not going to give in to what is considered culturally acceptable behavior.


Feel free to express yourself, but not at another's expense. If you feel the need to associate yourself with people whom you admire, no matter if they are homeless street urchins, do it.


The world is your educator. Whatever answers you seek or questions you have, whatever type of enlightenment you crave, the answers are there for you if you take the time to look.


You are not bound to the society in which you were brought up, but the people that chose to live and laugh in that society have earned that right to do so. When you voice your opinion about others and their way of life, expect the same to come to you.

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Take your college search really seriously because depending on the university/city you choose there will be a completely different social scene. Always keep in mind though, that post college, the chances are high that you're going to have to interact with people of all kinds of backgrounds, values, and personalities and college is just a temporary escape and bubble away from that. There are certainly more opportunities to meet decent people who are more like you. I didn't take enough risks in my undergrad, I was too afraid of the unknown, especially in terms of making new friends. I got wrapped up in relationships when I hadn't even figured myself out and like you, I really wanted validation from guys.


I can tell you what I wish people would have told me when I was in high school. I wish I would have known that things don't change that much when you go to college or enter the real world. When you become an adult, sometimes people become even more shallow because the stakes are higher and more money and status is on the line, it's not just about your university or your parent's background anymore.


I know this feel. It's hard because I don't know if it ever really goes away! I'm an adult now but it seemed like it took certain groups of friends forever to mature emotionally. By then I was so fed up with them that I was kind of just done. I think I would have no issues with them if I felt like I had a rock solid social group that I knew I could count on for anything. If or when that happens I think I'll feel no bitterness because it just won't matter.


So maybe you'll be the same way. Maybe you are like me in that you have both an intellectual and a "superficial" side. I just have to balance them without losing myself. Take what you need from both. Then maybe you'll feel less antognized by people who you disagree with.

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The grass isn't necessarily greener in more creative circles either. Sometimes artsy people are just as shallow or pretentious about the things they think are cool or important. They can be really insensitive, resentful and judgemental, and just plain wrong. It just depends on the group.


Above all I think you need some friends and aquaintances that help build each other up, not down.


Try not to get too cynical. I had a friend who was so pretty and fun to be around take that path and the last time I saw her she was really, really depressed and saw everything through a distorted lens. Just a shell of a person. It can become a bad habit that is really hard to break, trust me I know because I have been there too.

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