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Please help, someone. I don't have any friends or family that I cant talk to. Im 23, my ex gf is 21 right now. She cheated and used me. I made changing mistakes in our relationship. Im so broken. Its been a month since the break up. And I jus got off the phone from her and it will probably be the last time I ever hear her voice. I couldn't believe the person I was talking too on the phone. So cold, so cruel, and so heartless. Please if anyone could talk on the phone. Its too much to write and post. I need friends I can talk too. Please if anyone would like to talk share experiences. I can listen to everything I promise because Im going through the same thing. I can give support and would like to receive as much as I can. Please I have no one to rant/vent/cry/listen to me uselessly reminisce I can do the same for anyone out there, if anyone who is out there who is feeling how Im feeling and who wants to be my friend and lend their ears as we go through this I would really really REALLY appreciate it. PM me so we can exchange numbers. I cant eat sleep or do anything. Please anyone...someone...help me.

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you need to take back control of your life and your feelings.

we've all been there, had our hearts broken. look at your own signature here, and believe in yourself, if one person rejected you and was cruel with you it doesn't mean you are hopeless and any less a human then anybody else. if you need to talk to someone, call any self-help line or something like that, they are specially made for these kinds of situations. good luck to you!

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It actually SHOULD be the last time you spoke with her no matter if per phone or in life. Because she cheated on you and used you, which means you have no value or worth for her, and why would you care for someone for whom you mean nothing? so stop beating yourself, she doesn't deserve that. The only person that MUST love you is yourself, realizing that you need to find yourself again is a big step forward, so keep on going.

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It actually SHOULD be the last time you spoke with her no matter if per phone or in life. Because she cheated on you and used you, which means you have no value or worth for her, and why would you care for someone for whom you mean nothing? so stop beating yourself, she doesn't deserve that. The only person that MUST love you is yourself, realizing that you need to find yourself again is a big step forward, so keep on going.


I know. It hurts to say it but I WANT IT TO BE THE LAST TIME ='(. Too much hurt to go through being used and lied to for months after all the memories, things, places. Its too much pain to ever go through again. I wish I never met this person. I want it to be and hope its the last it will be in my life because Im TERRIFIED and physically and emotional and mentally scared for life. The person that I talked too n even hung up on me was not the person I fell in love with. People change but sometimes they do it for the absolutely wrong reasons. I feel like this is the last straw for me. Talking to that person really not only opened my eyes but really scarred me for life I believe. The one you were gonna marry, who would wipe my tears away when I would cry. No I don't want to go through with this again. And that person that I was in love with and gone and hopefully one day soon Ill accept it without caring for more than a second. Because that person, was a horrible and hurtful person.

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Never say you are sorry you met her, every problem in life is a challenge and a lesson. It makes you a better, wiser person. I know VERY closely what you mean by being too hurt and having not enough strength to go on, but every challenge we have in this life is given us based on our capabilities. So you are good enough and strong enough to go on.

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Never say you are sorry you met her, every problem in life is a challenge and a lesson. It makes you a better, wiser person. I know VERY closely what you mean by being too hurt and having not enough strength to go on, but every challenge we have in this life is given us based on our capabilities. So you are good enough and strong enough to go on.


Probably later on when I have finally moved on I will be even stupidly thanking her even though she doesn't deserve anything from me at that point but thanking her for leaving me to find someone ten times better than her.

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Hey cheef, man you know some of what I've gone through. It's far worse for me because I'm an old man!


But I get it, dude. Seriously. Pain that goes from your heart to your mind and then makes you physically sick. Weird thing is, the more I talked and read things, the more I realized that we all go through the same horrible times, in roughly the same steps. It's really weird how similar everyone's story is. Even the women on this forum and other places have the same stages of pain, grief, anger, confusion and more when they've been done wrong by a player.


Even knowing that you are not alone in this only helps a little bit. Distraction is the only thing that works for me. Anything. Hell, even cleaning the house or doing laundry or scrubbing the bathroom! Doesn't matter. DON'T DRINK. DON'T SMOKE. You know what I mean. That won't even give you any relief right now brother, it will just make things worse. Got a weight bench in the garage? Like to jog or run? I'm serious, clearing your mind will be really difficult but YOU CAN DO IT.


I am getting better every day and you will too. You have to trust me on this brother I have no reason to BS you. This hell WILL fade man- it's a test of your willpower and you can pass it and come out strong!!!

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I feel your pain... And my heart goes out to you....

Reminds me so much of my first heartbreak. I loved him to bits and he was so ambivalent and cruel when it ended. But you must listen to oldguy65! He's right on the money! As difficult as it is, you must find distractions... but good ones... healthy ones.


I was only able to free myself when I started to exercise. At first, I had to force myself. But as days and months went on, I began to feel better. And eventually I felt stronger. The discipline helped me see 'me' in a better light. And as I grew to like myself more, I was finally able to dismantle the pedestal I'd propped him on. How great could he (or she, in your case) be if they could treat someone with such disregard. And how great could they be if they couldn't appreciate you!!


I know it's hard. And it's a bumpy road ahead. But it will get better. Hugs to you....

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