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Everything posted by OldGuy65

  1. Wow. Did you ever screw up. Again. How many times do you think a woman like you gets a chance with a man like me? Twice in a lifetime, to boot? You thought your career and 'goal oriented life' would make you happy. How did that work out for you? Less than a year at your corporate job. Marrying your idiot boyfriend from college who was so far beneath you that it really is hard to comprehend. Having children with him. Feeling trapped to the extent that you put up with abuse, his affairs, and his insistence in you making changes to your body to mirror the 'adult entertainers' he lusted after. For this, you left a man who you said was "out of your league". For this, you left a man who has never struck a woman in his life, was kind, more intelligent than any other man you've had. Also, much more attractive. You know this. A man who did not care what your bra size is. A man who did not need you to tattoo a private area to resemble his favorite XXX movie star. A man you told your daughter should have been her father. For all that I did wrong, I am not the only one with issues in this breakup. You will, just as you did 26 years ago, regret this decision terribly. I don't wish you any harm, but karma would dictate a lifetime of mental anguish and emotional misery is due.
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