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Feeling fine two days after breakup, is this normal?


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So it's been two days since I left my boyfriend of nearly two years...


He was extremely controlling, emotionally abusive, and there were two incidents were I got hurt "accidentally" during A fight.


And... I feel fine? Wth? I feel totally normal. Not sad or anything. Is this normal?

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You have been contemplating this in your head for a while, and it was your decision. So, yeah ---- you probably are feeling more relief than anything else. Like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.


That's what I was thinking. I almost feel BAD for not feeling torn up about this, but oh well I guess?

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Thanks karenc.


I'm just worried one of these days I'm gonna get sad out of nowhere, but I guess that's normal too.


I'm a worry wart.


And that's entirely possible too. Healing isn't linear. I think you needed to leave, so you feel relief, but I imagine you'll feel a variety of different emotions at some point. You've already said you feel some guilt, which is normal, even if you know that this was the best decision for you. Continue doing what you're doing and go with the flow. Let things happen as they must. You will get through it!

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And that's entirely possible too. Healing isn't linear. I think you needed to leave, so you feel relief, but I imagine you'll feel a variety of different emotions at some point. You've already said you feel some guilt, which is normal, even if you know that this was the best decision for you. Continue doing what you're doing and go with the flow. Let things happen as they must. You will get through it!


Thank you!!

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Thanks karenc.


I'm just worried one of these days I'm gonna get sad out of nowhere, but I guess that's normal too.


I'm a worry wart.


You might have those feelings one day but that's a part of the healing process.


Stay focused on the advantage, peace, comfort, and relaxation that you have without the drama and disfunctional behavior because you deserve better.


If he's controlling that means that he's insecure and that he doesn't have respect for you.


Move forth and take a deep breath.


You have a new and a fresh start...Chapter closed!

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You might have those feelings one day but that's a part of the healing process.


Stay focused on the advantage, peace, comfort, and relaxation that you have without the drama and disfunctional behavior because you deserve better.


If he's controlling that means that he's insecure and that he doesn't have respect for you.


Move forth and take a deep breath.


You have a new and a fresh start...Chapter closed!


Chapter closed.. Amen to that!

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And that's entirely possible too. Healing isn't linear. I think you needed to leave, so you feel relief, but I imagine you'll feel a variety of different emotions at some point. You've already said you feel some guilt, which is normal, even if you know that this was the best decision for you. Continue doing what you're doing and go with the flow. Let things happen as they must. You will get through it!


Yep! Roll with the good days. I would just say don't get too attached to any particular set of emotions you have towards it, whether they are negative, positive or in between. Sometimes I found the disappointment and unwillingness to go with the natural ebb and flow of my emotions was worse than anything.

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completely normal! I just got out a very emotionally abusive relationship as well! For the first week or so i didnt even care really i didnt even shed a tear! I cried a little the other day when i was listening to a song that reminded me of her but other then that i am relieved! I set my boundries and i am proud of myself and you should be to! Healing isnt linear, in other words you dont feel bad and then feel less bad and so on, it comes in waves and like ripples in a pond they get smaller and smaller!

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So it's been two days since I left my boyfriend of nearly two years...


He was extremely controlling, emotionally abusive, and there were two incidents were I got hurt "accidentally" during A fight.


And... I feel fine? Wth? I feel totally normal. Not sad or anything. Is this normal?


I am curious to know since when have you made the decision of breaking up? Months ahead?

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