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Do all girls EXPECT a kiss?


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First off, if there is any window of opportunity to talk to a girl or "open", I will take it and run with it. I can always eventually either make her laugh or get her to laugh about whatever she's talking about. Having some sort of conversation w/ a girl is no problem. Understanding if I have a "shot" with her is more difficult for me to get.


I'm just wondering during these conversations if a girl has tried to give me "hints" to make me go for a kiss. After awhile, is it insulting to a girl if I don't go for the kiss? Are there certain "cues"? I'm oblivious with this and I think it's a reason why I've never been in a relationship. It makes me look weak? I will always respect a ladies' boundaries.


I've gone for kisses with girls before and I've been HARSHLY rejected. But in the back of my mind, I feel like there have been girls that might have been looking for it, and then when I didn't "make a move" they instantly got turned off.

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I would say that if you don't go for a kiss on the first date it's not insulting, and if they agree to see you again and there is a second date then it wouldn't be unreasonable for you to go in for a kiss.


Personally though I think most girls make it obvious if they like you in that way. There's always signs for you to pick up on but if you're worried about going in for a kiss try something else first. For example if you put an arm casually around her shoulder and she moves away, I definitely would not recommend trying to kiss her!

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OP i recommend visiting this site link removed has plenty of good articles for men who are oblivious to the signs and his free ebook is good for that stuff too. a lot of it is the same advice you'll get here about "going for it" but his book is easy to digest and a fun read, goes through plenty of personal examples too

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I expect every single guy to kiss me within 4 seconds of meeting me - my grandpa, my coworkers, my boss, the policeman (especially the nicely built ones).


I actually think that guys who delay physical action a little bit are stronger as dating potential, not weak as you suggest. There will be women that are looking for one night stands in clubs, however, that market is based purely off of looks.


There is no formula.. but as people have pointed out above, if you have gone on two dates with the women, a kiss is probably appreciated. You will need to learn the body language of people if it's not something that comes off naturally to you - flirtatious eye contact, eye contact that is longer than you would with a casual encounter (although I do realize that some people just downright stare), looking at you when you aren't looking, touching you on the shoulder/arm/hair, leaning towards you, mirror your gestures etc... etc... Use your judgement if you see that they are used in combination...


I don't know many guys who will directly kiss you without any preliminary form of body contact. A kiss is pretty aggressive and "obvious" if it's your first sign of interest.

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Ok.. first off, what is even considered a date? I seriously thought I have been on dates before just to realize those girls never considered our "hangout" a date. I would think if I took a girl out to dinner, movie, concert, bar, etc.. would be considered a date?


When I was on tour, I tried to make out with a girl (we were both wasted). There was lots of body on body. Either she was hugging or leaning on me, etc.. We were outside of the RV and she was leaning back and we talked and I leaned in to kiss her. I kissed her lips. And then when I tried to "french kiss" I totally got rejected. The moral of that story is, I thought that was when you go for a kiss but apparently she didn't want anything to with it. It also makes me be a little more cautious with girls now.


So let's do scenarios. I'm on my "second date". And she:


Leans In close to me?


She Touches my arm?


She touches my hair, or face?


Or do I HAVE TO DO THESE things first???? I'm not really a touchy feeling type guy. I get really nervous when touching a girl. I think it's because when I was a kid, any time I tried to say "hi" she would say "go away, you have coodies" Obviously, I don't have coodies, but I give women respect of their bodies. I always ask for a hug. I just don't do it. I know that asking to kiss a girl is not the best way to do things.. I'm trying to break that habit.

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Foolproof kissing blueprint:


Step 1. Hug--If the hug ends abruptly, don't go for the kiss. If she's really squeezing on the hug, you have a good chance.

Step 2. Pull away slightly, but touch foreheads--While your doing this, make sure your lips are as far away from her's as possible so it doesn't feel like you're jumping down her throat. Keep your arms around her. If she is receptive to this keep going. If she's pulling away, then just let go. You should have been hugging for a good 4-5 seconds by now, at least.

Step 3. Use your hand to lift her chin--If she let you do all this, there should be no reason she won't kiss you.

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Foolproof kissing blueprint:


Step 1. Hug--If the hug ends abruptly, don't go for the kiss. If she's really squeezing on the hug, you have a good chance.

Step 2. Pull away slightly, but touch foreheads--While your doing this, make sure your lips are as far away from her's as possible so it doesn't feel like you're jumping down her throat. Keep your arms around her. If she is receptive to this keep going. If she's pulling away, then just let go. You should have been hugging for a good 4-5 seconds by now, at least.

Step 3. Use your hand to lift her chin--If she let you do all this, there should be no reason she won't kiss you.



chin lift is good, or one hand on cheek other on waist to pull her in, the forehead touching is also good

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A date isn't about a particular location, but a mindset. There are classic date locations (theme park, restaurant, movies etc...), but I've been to those with my parents too!


The following things would personally hint to me that it's not a date:

- There is one or more other people

- The person wants to do something because other plans were cancelled, or looking for some way to spend time

- The person is looking for someone to accompany because they don't want to go alone, or need a distraction

- Let's hang out

- Something along the lines of having your own method of transportation because I have X to do after


I suppose the hug situation could lend well if you are already on a date (and I'm not sure how artificial this would turn out!) - otherwise you'll need to get there by looking at her body language.

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