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Rant. Feel free to comment but it's really just venting...


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You Guys all advised me not to speak on my "he's going to breakup" with me worries yet, but I couldn't bite my tongue anymore. It all came out last night.


He was at work, and I was planning on getting some cleaning done while he was gone. I didn't end up getting it done, due to a combination of laziness/stress thinking about our relationship.


He came home and was upset I didn't clean. I started cleaning, I scrubbed the bathroom and kitchen down. They were SPOTLESSS. The front room was still messy but I didn't care, I got a lot done and it could get done tomorrow (today).


After me busting my butt to get the kitchen and bathroom squeaky clean, he had the nerve to complain that I didn't clean the front room. Really?! I know he works hard, but if its bugging you that dang much how about getting it done YOURSELF! He was being very critical and getting loud and angry. So I said it. "I know exactly what your problem is here" he said "what" I said "you're falling out of love with me and don't want to admit it" and walked away to hide the tears falling down my face.


Once we calmed down I tried again to talk to him. I put it all out there, he's les affectionate, less sex, less cuddling, doesn't hug me unless I iniate it, less of our long fabulous conversations that I miss so much. He said it was reversed, I was the one who was doing less and he was the one who was "trying". And then ended the conversation. I said yeah you're the one who's trying so hard when you don't even want to talk this out.


He said there's nothing more to talk about, goodnight. I went to bed in our bedroom and he fell asleep on the couch. I'm so frustrated. I just want to TALK about this. I wanna know what's going on. He refuses to talk about it, and when he does he just says its me.


He left for work a few minutes ago, and he did FINALLY initiate a big hug and kiss before he left... He's so hot and cold sometimes. Ugh. Im so confused and frustrated.

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From what i understand with 'men' is dont beat around the bush- just get to the point.

If you are 'wondering' something, then ask it.

Just saying its you- is natural defense to aim things at you. i'm sure he knows what he's feeling.

How long u two been together?


Hot & cold means they are 'confused' with what they want/feel.

Search the meaning of that. "Why is he hot & cold?"


I really feel like i dont want any more relationships in my life.. sigh

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From what i understand with 'men' is dont beat around the bush- just get to the point.

If you are 'wondering' something, then ask it.

Just saying its you- is natural defense to aim things at you. i'm sure he knows what he's feeling.

How long u two been together?


Hot & cold means they are 'confused' with what they want/feel.

Search the meaning of that. "Why is he hot & cold?"


I really feel like i dont want any more relationships in my life.. sigh


I did get right to the point, and he said he felt is was me not trying/drifting away, not him. We've been together nearly two years. He's hot and cold in that he can be so upset/angry/not affectionate and then be lovey dovey. It's all very confusing.

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Ah, I see, well then i guess that's just 'him'? Because you said he left you with a big hug/kiss? Which was good!

So, maybe you two just had a little bit of a tiff? Did you 'think' about what he said aiming it at you?

Do you agree at all- think he may have a point or it just isn't so? Sometimes WE can over look things and they can be right.


Maybe let things slide for a while.. it could just be who he is now, and you have to accept or dis agree and think more on your life with him..

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Ah, I see, well then i guess that's just 'him'? Because you said he left you with a big hug/kiss? Which was good!

So, maybe you two just had a little bit of a tiff? Did you 'think' about what he said aiming it at you?

Do you agree at all- think he may have a point or it just isn't so? Sometimes WE can over look things and they can be right.


Maybe let things slide for a while.. it could just be who he is now, and you have to accept or dis agree and think more on your life with him..


Yeah, it could've just been a tiff. But the way he's been acting lately (distant, irritable) every tiff freaks me out. I will keep trying to be positive (hence coming here to vent instead of calling and cussing him out lol)

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