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My final conclusion to human beings that ill try to stay by


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Ive noticed that maybe im gonna have to wait because im gonna have to wait for all these shallow human beings to catch up to my mature thoughts in life.Like 25 and below like 90 percent of people are shallow guys and women.I never wanted to accept it because i wish i could get a gf.But i figure hey human being s r just shallow minded at young ages.At my age there are not many like me as it seems.Cept for i to have become apart of this shallow nature since i have a problem with fat women and i feel bad for that.But i want a healthy women thats skinny like me.Im gonna prolly have to wait a long time for people to become less shallow.The only problem is by then i will still not have experienced childs play such as kissing when those adults have already experience sex and stuff.I mean all these kids are so self centered its liek rare to find an extremely nice person like me who does everything for others, makes me mad.So im gonna try and wait to see if it gets better but if it doesnt well thats great.

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I totally agree with you man. Once again, way too many people are sitting in that kiddie pool when they could be in the ocean where the real fish are. Quite sad really. Discrimination is a female dog I tell ya. I am waiting until I get a little bit older to bother with these petty people. Maybe some of them will finally open up.

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The real point is that you don't HAVE to deal with those types of people. Not the way you have been. Instead of being intimidated, or irritated by them, maybe you can try to show some compassion. Like... Help educate them. Don't treat them like they're stupid, but help them out. They need support too. So be there to inspire them and give them a role model.

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Right. Like a bunch of children is going to listen to guys like me and Shinobi. I understand where ya gettin' at Dreamer but sadly, the world doesn't have flowers and birds flying over the place. These people are going to have to learn on their own I am afraid. Trust me my friend, I have tried to "educate" these shallow people. I guess when someone has a preference, they stick to it until they realize on their own that it will not work. Most of the shallowness is about looks, which is something that most people stick to.

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Maybe I'm a mutant. I mean, I know where you fuys are coming from because I've been there. But am I the only person who ever overcame it? Cause all of the things that you guys are so pessimistic about and say you can't do I've done. So OBVIOUSLY these things can be achieved. But maybe I'm the only one. I didn;t think I was, but... *shrug*

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No Dreamer, you are good at what you have done. And I applaud you for it. It is just that most people like the ones we are having trouble with are just not the type to change. Immature people must learn on their own. We all solve our problems differently. My way of handling it is to keep to what is important and not stress too much over the opposite sex. Just blow things off and take a break from it all. So Dreamer, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and I hope you did not take my response the wrong way.

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Guys, I can see where u guys are coming from, but remember and believe it or not, human beings are more alike than they are different. We all share similarities in emotions and thoughts. We all have our ups and downs, we all have our happy and sad moments, we all have our shallow and deep thoughts etc... And people in general are not one-dimensional creatures. Just because u see them act immature and shallow in certain moments doesnt make them completely immature and shallow. People have different sides to them, and what we decide to exhibit in front of society is up to us, and depends a lot on internal and external circumstances, our emotions at that moment, our emotional maturity, stage in life etc... But that doesnt mean that we are just that one single one-sided character... human beings are not cartoon characters... they are people, with virtues and flaws.


And secondly, we are no one to judge others. Have genuine compassion for your fellow inhabitants of Earth. And I'm not saying the type of compassion that makes us feel pity for those who we think are not like us...i.e. not as deep, not as mature, not as responsible as we are, because we think they are little kids living in a false hypocritical world. But real compassion that says that people are in essense like each other in their ways and nature. Society does condition our ways of thinking, acting and behaving, but that is not necessarily a negative thing, and it is not necessarily our fault for it being the way it is. Away from the realities of this society, people are often more similar than different... sometimes we are just blinded from these similarities because we think we are special and what not, which is not a bad thing either. But just be careful when we start judging others...nobody is perfect.


I've met my fair share of people throughout my short life, and most of them if not all share similarities... they all have virtues and flaws, they all have problems of all sorts, they have all gone through similar stages of growth in life and have acted accordingly to their emotional maturity. Not surprisingly, the same applies for me. And because of this understanding, I appreciate better and can actually tap into people's emotions more readily than before, since there is often much more than meets the eyes.


I suggest empathy, compassion, help and love.

Safe journey,



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