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Moving in together and do not see us getting serious.


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At least I do not see me getting very serious with her, doubt she feels any different. Early on something happened and I told her that it was unacceptable and more or less broke up with her (ie no more sex, not seeing where it would go etc) even though we are not really together. She rectified that issue immediately and she seemed really upset about it so thought ok, I will still see where this may go. It has not gone anywhere at all, and was not going anywhere before that happened. Everyone (our parents included) that knows about us all say we are only FWB's, don't think we would work out etc... From our talks it seems we both agree with everyone else.



I could pull out without any issues, she would have a problem with only 10 days notice that we was not going to live together when it was planned a month ago. Have thought about telling her after a 6 month lease or something we would get our own places again however it is already going to be a bit awkward, and that would make it alot more awkward I think. She is cool to hang out with and stuff, have no issues with her or what has/has not happened. I made a mistake, what do I do now?

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Well, mistakes and trying to make something out of nothing aside, don't make another mistake by moving in with her. Clearly that is a bad idea.


I'd say maybe it's time to cut ties altogether with her after you tell her the move isn't going to happen. Free yourself up to find someone you are truly compatible with.

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Arrange so that the move does not happen. Even if it is last minute, it is better than going through with it. If you want to be a champ, I suppose you could offer up first months your share of the rent. A month to find a roommate or a chunk for her to pull out and wait to find somewhere else is more than generous. It's not necessary; it's a consideration if you want to do something extra though. She plays a part in staying quiet all this time and making arrangements to move in with someone she knows is not a serious bf and not a pure friend. So this mistake is two way. This will be an inconvenience, but it's nothing life shaking.


I highly suggest against suggesting a short term lease with her. Besides awkwardness, you could run accross other complications. It's not worth it. I'd suck it up now, and pull out.

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I think it is obvious you are not interested in a live in arrangement. Unless you talk to her and she can accept the fact that you two are just good friends and you could end up seeing somebody else I would assume moving in together could spell disaster down the track!

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