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After almost a year, possibility of getting back together, scared!!


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Me and my ex have really been through hell and back together. Our breakup, (we broke up in September 2012) was incredibly painful. Some of you might remember my story a little bit. Basically I went a little nuts, lost a ton of weight, and had many panic attacks and aggressive outbursts.

My ex got into a new relationship almost immediately after we broke up, which made the whole process even worse. After a lot of me begging, pleading and breaking stuff, I decided to go full NC. I started to work on myself, which was incredibly hard and still is.


His relationship has since ended (they had an 'open relationship' for about 8 months I guess? ), and we have gotten back into contact (this was pretty coincidental). I can see that he has done a lot of growing (up), and I feel that his relationship with this girl has changed him for the better, which is pretty hard to admit, but I am truly happy for him.

We both realized and confessed to eachother, that we still love eachother dearly, and are still very much attracted to each other as well

He has admitted to me that he had always known and hoped that we would find eachother again. He told me that he had never really let me go, and that our connection is strong enough, even when we are not together.


I am not sure how I feel now. For months I wanted nothing more than to hear him say those exact words. But now I am scared sh*tless. I do not want to mess this up, and also, I do feel like I want to be on my own for a while. I told him this and he understands.

Somehow this whole thing feels unreal, and this afternoon I was crying out of joy and disbelief. Still, I am afraid. This is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. How do I/we proceed?


Any words of advice or similar stories would be much appreciated!

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I've been reading up a lot on this lately. Take it slowly as if you're just starting out.. as new.

Good to hear you're both willing to try again.

I'm hoping my ex will eventually do the same. (I just posted before yours).

We were together 5 years and I've been so overly emotional.

But difference is, is I'm sure he was interested in some gal BEFORE we split- this is why.

I'm hoping it's similar to some kind of 'rebound' and he will maybe come to realize he has real and many feelings for me still and will eventually come back. As I've voiced my love for him...

I say Go for it! Many ex's do apparently come back and you've got this chance again. If you do really feel this strongly for him.. do it

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