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He hates his birthday!


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Need as many opinions as i can get...i have a guy friend who told me a while ago that he is normally in a bad mood on his birthday. I really want to text him happy birthday but i don't know if i should. I text him an hour ago just to see how he was doing and he was a little short but then he said he was at work so i did 't say anything else. Also mine was yesterday and he didn't tell me happy birthday but that's ok. I know some people don't celebrate these things but is there any harm in a happy birthday wish? My family and other friends celebrate birthdays so this is a little awkward for me!! So should i just not mention it?

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He told you that he hates his birthday. So don't wish him a happy birthday. There are some people that say they dislike their birthday but celebrate everyone else's in a huge way, and they may be just saying they hate it just for attention but this guy clearly finds his birthday the symbol of another wasted year or he contemplates getting older. If this guy is not your boyfriend or your brother you don't have to figure out a way to "deal with this." Just avoid the topic and don't go out of your way to contact him on the day. If he is mad and is using reverse psychology on you, you'll know.

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For some people, it's a mean of getting attention, perhaps giving them a bigger birthday attention than normally. For others, they feel they get bad luck or bad moments or bad memories with it and don't want to acknowledge it. For the latter, some can be fine with a simple well wish then move on. Others don't want it. It just depends on him. My SO is the same way, doesn't like it. But he appreciates thoughtfulness anyway, a well wish or some sort. But you don't know if he's not that kind and wants nothing at all. I personally don't see a big deal with wishing them a birthday anyway as long it's not elaborate for those people. But again, that's your choice and perhaps a risk. If he cares, he'd move on from your wishing them a birthday as one of those routines.

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I have issues with Easter and really prefer not to mention it, if I mention it it's normally in the super cheesy way of easter bunnies with my nephew. If someone I knew knew that I hated easter and wished me a happy easter anyway, I'd be upset. Don't mention it.

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He told you that he hates his birthday. So don't wish him a happy birthday. There are some people that say they dislike their birthday but celebrate everyone else's in a huge way, and they may be just saying they hate it just for attention but this guy clearly finds his birthday the symbol of another wasted year or he contemplates getting older. If this guy is not your boyfriend or your brother you don't have to figure out a way to "deal with this." Just avoid the topic and don't go out of your way to contact him on the day. If he is mad and is using reverse psychology on you, you'll know.


Ok, this makes sense, Thanks a bunch!

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Don't bother wishing him a happy. I have tried wishing people like that a happy birthday it doesn't work. Avoid getting your backside bitten and don't bother.


Thanks , i've been leaning towards not saying anything but i just did not want to seem un thoughtful. But if he hates the day then it should not appear that way

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I have issues with Easter and really prefer not to mention it, if I mention it it's normally in the super cheesy way of easter bunnies with my nephew. If someone I knew knew that I hated easter and wished me a happy easter anyway, I'd be upset. Don't mention it.



Gotcha! I think he just hates getting older. He only turned 32 and i'm 34 so i don't see the big deal or how 32 is old but i guess if he hates the day he just does.

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