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Embarrassed of being Poor


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I graduated from college and all through college I pretended that I was well of around my friends..I've been ashamed of my families jobs and poverty situation for 6 yrs and I can't change it. I love my family but I'm just so embarrassed and I can't get over it. I feel like ppl look down on me for it

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I graduated from college and all through college I pretended that I was well of around my friends..I've been ashamed of my families jobs and poverty situation for 6 yrs and I can't change it. I love my family but I'm just so embarrassed and I can't get over it. I feel like ppl look down on me for it


If people look down on you for it, then they're more then likely not your friends. I'd rather be friends with someone who is considered "poor" who is genuine, then a "rich" friend who is fake anyday.

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Eleanor Roosvelt said 'Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent'. YOU look down on you and that is why you are feeling this way. The truth is though that no one is better than anyone else. We are all unique and we value different things, therefore comparisons have no point in reality. I do not value social status and money more than kindness and a good work ethic. To me a person from a poor family who managed to go to college will never be inferior to someone rich who never had to worry about going to college. I respect kind self-made people more. So it's all a matter of personal values. People who will reject you because of your social status alone, are not nice people to begin with so you lose nothing by not having them in your life. What you need to work on is clarifying and challenging what your personal values are. Because right now it sounds that you are one these people who value social status and money more than kindness, perseverance, a good work- ethic, interest in education, love - all the things that count so much more and that you and your family do have from the sound of it.

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If people look down on you for it, then they're more then likely not your friends. I'd rather be friends with someone who is considered "poor" who is genuine, then a "rich" friend who is fake anyday.


Totes! Anyhow you can be crafty! I was poor during uni and I am kinda poor now living in a ski resort. You just have to learn how to say no, save money and instead of buying things for peoples birthday MAKE them something.

One year while in uni I got a big clear cookie container from a dollar store and made some half cresent cookies dipped in chocolate on one side with icing sugar on the other. The end result took me a while, looked impressive and the person I gave it too LOVED them and was able to reuse the container.


Never feel ashamed of your circumstances. Just work with what you got, and dont let people push you into a financial stressful situation. You don't have to explain why you say no to invitations sometimes, just say you have something else on.

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I graduated from college and all through college I pretended that I was well of around my friends..I've been ashamed of my families jobs and poverty situation for 6 yrs and I can't change it. I love my family but I'm just so embarrassed and I can't get over it. I feel like ppl look down on me for it


stay strong ... a lot of people are struggling right now..i know i am..i graduated from college in decemeber and im the tightest on money that i have ever been..it sucks because after working so hard during the week, you cant reward yourself because you have to save that money for the bills... I felt the same way until i started talking to my friends and found out money was also tight for them as welll...some people also spend money they dont have...Just work on you and you will see your true friends...the true friends i have never felt my side..

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There's nothing wrong with feeling embarrassed. It is what it is. What is important is who YOU are. You now have the college education and the ability to make something of yourself if you choose to.


You know something I've noticed over the years is that many, if not most, people who are "well off" are miserable. No matter how wide their flatscreen tv is, they just aren't happy until get a bigger one, and then a bigger one. I mean, is 80 inches really necessary? But I digress.


I'm not sure exactly what your question is. If you choose, you don't have to share your family with anyone else. But, without actually knowing your family and their "poverty" situation, are they good, decent people otherwise? It isn't money and wealth that truly makes someone respectable. If you fell on rough times, who would be there for you? Your rich friends or your family?

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