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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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Yesterday I stayed home in the morning - I didn't make it in to work until 11:30! But I had put together a chicken butternut squash curry in the crockpot. It was so delicious when I got home! And it had coconut milk in it too.


I also did a load of laundry and clean up the kitchen before going. NO one complained - I usually stay fairly late into the evening, and I always go in on Sundays for a,few hours.

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Today I got to work at 9:30, so I still had a,more relaxed morning before work. But I had lots yo do today and ended up working until almost 7.


All of the teachers have been doing parent teacher conferences the past 2 days. I was required to be there but only talked with parents if needed.


Back to the regular grind tomorrow, so I better get myself up and going on time!

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Yesterday I got up early to gather snacks for our scouts who were doing an annual canned food drive. Then they wrnt door yo door soliciting non perishable foods to feed the hungry. We filled The back of one truck and part of another!


It did rain on us, but the weather was not cold.


Later, I went for my walk with my friend C and her dog. It did rain on us, and we were the only ones on the trail. BUT we did have rain gear and it was fine. We only walked for one hour, but that was fine.

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It was a very tough day today and night last night. I was in so much shock about our election results. I am usually apathetic when it comes to these things, but I know the danger of inexperienced reactive people at the helm.


Some of the staff were in tears before school started today.


My emotions ranged from shock to fear to anger and resentment and judgement. Then I realized that anger and judgement are part of why I didn't like the other side, and how ironic that I was feeling the need to be that way.


I am trying hard to make a choice. To be open minded and positive. To make a difference in the world rather than sitting back and complaining.


On the way to work I realized that as a parent and an educator I have one of the most important jobs in the world.


Some students spoke with me about their fears. I told them that in a few short years they will be in control of our nation so it is up to them to study hard and to help others in need and to make sure everyone is treated fairly. I probably wasn't allowed to say that, but I did.

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Thanks Silver. I went to a healing prayer service tonight. One where people of many faiths attended, and the focus was tolerance and unity and gratitude. So beautiful and so needed. There must have been 200 people there tonight. People I spoke with said that they went there to heal and to become grounded. I hope they have another one soon.

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As far as Trump not serving his whole term, his Vice Pres choice is not much better, aND he would then take his place. It would be a different kind of mess.


I really wish Michelle Obama will run for president next time. She is smart, an eloquent and dynamic speaker, and would be a great leader for us.

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