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Symptoms ... I think. Would love opinions...

Heather Dawn

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Hello! Question for all you moms...


On January 18th, I was about four days late for my period (which is usually very regular), I tested, got a negative (though I think I accidentally peed on the control window), and then two days later I had a very strange period that was much shorter (about 2.5 days, total duration) and a lot lighter than normal (one day of moderate bleeding - as opposed to a first day of my typical heavy bleeding) and then a day and a half of spotting).


Cut to Feb: My boyfriend and I had sex within a day or two of ovulation (anywhere from a day before, to on the day, to a day after - depending on how when exactly I ovulated), and now I'm having odd symptoms. I'd say I'm probably somewhere between 8-10 days dpo right now.


Two days ago, I had some light spotting - it was dark pink/light brown, the consistency was like egg-whites, and it needed one pantyliner and then it was done.


For about 4-5 days or so, I've had egg-white discharge whenever I go to the bathroom. Sometimes it's on my underwear, sometimes it's not, but it's frequently there when I wipe.


My nipples are VERY sore - to the point where I accidentally brushed a dish against one last night and it hurt. But even more oddly, I've developed these tiny brown spots...sort of scabby...on my areola. I picked one off (ewww), and so did my boyfriend - but a few more seem to have appeared over night.


My appetite has been strange - sweets such as cake, which I normally love, have made me queasy. And I find myself feeling slightly nauseated when I lay down at night. Yet, also hungry at odd times. (I got out of bed last night and ate a hard-boiled egg.)


I honestly don't know what to think. We've been "not trying, not preventing" for about ten months, though with our work schedules, we only make love about once or twice a week right now (though we cuddle like maniacs! Haha) and definitely not always near my fertile days. We both want a baby, though, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up.


Any insights? Thank you!

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You can take an early response test they work up to four or five days before your period is due.


All it takes is once. The month that my son was conceived we only had sex once that entire month. It worked that way with all my pregnancies actually.


It's true...I just feel like...I don't want to be disappointed! Plus, now I'm not sure if my period is due in a few days (as it's been for a couple years), or if it's readjusted itself to the later date it arrived on last month (if that was a normal period).

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I know it is hard not to be disappointed especially if you want a baby. You can either wait a few more days and do the test or you can do an early response one. I personally like the pink dyes better. Your symptoms do sound promising though.


I hope so! I just ordered some cheapie tests from Amazon that will arrive on Wednesday. That way, I can test multiple times if I want and not waste money, since I've read they're pretty decent despite the price. If I need to, I can then follow-up with a more expensive one and/or a doctor's visit.

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