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Cheating on the Computer


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My problem is that my live in boyfriend of 8 years has been cheating on me on the computer for several years, as far as i can tell.

Should i let this bother me, or chalk it up as just a cyber fantasy.


he likes - porn, personals, talking to old girlfriends


he also won't even talk about getting married, considering his

computer stuff, maybe this is a good thing.


am i just being used

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This guy would make Larry Flynt proud....why would you want to even think about marrying a guy that devotes his time to porn, personals and old girlfriends?


It sounds like you are something to fall back on for him if his porns and personals and old girlfriends dont pan out.


I can't speak for most guys, but if the girl I am with is giving me everything I want in the relationship and in the bedroom, there is no need to look at porn!

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I actually learned this in my death and dying class....often when people are about to die they won't let go unless they had permission to die, not everyone -- but You know!!


So I started to think about my own husband and how he doesn't seem all that happy in general lately, so I said to him, it is ok, you can go!


and he said what?


And I said I don't want to keep you locked up in this marriage if you really don't want to stay....


He didn't really know what to say to that!! He said no, it isn't that!!


But since then he has been a lot nicer to me and just more happy and jovial in general...


Everyone!! Tell them it is ok for them to go, that you don't want them to feel trapped....see what they say!!

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I'd say its a problem. My husband resorted to chat rooms, personals, etc and he went to have an affair with someone he met on the internet. So my advice to you is that since you arent married...get rid of him!!!!!



did you get a divorce - i would like to know wht he looking for

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My husband did the same. Whether they meet up or not it's still robbing your relationship of love, energy and honesty. Sadly a year after forgiving him I found out that he had also at around the same time met up with someone else and had a 2 month affair with her involving sex in hotels on our credit card! I am told this is not unusual and these "cyber-affairs" very often go that way. My advice would be to move on.

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