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caught having sex at work party!


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My bf and I got caught in the bathroom at a hotel during my work Christmas party. the manager odd the hotel who caught us told my boss he thought our was me. I think I managed to convince her he was getting me fix my sress which I was having issues with, but I know rumors have started! How so I handle it on Monday? Can I Get into any trouble? My boss want mad asst all, I'm just worried

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Um, well, yeah, really bad form and social faux pas, especially at a work function.


I doubt you'll get fired for it if you were off company property at the time (i.e., you didn't do it in the office itself). Just don't mention it or bring it up again, and i'm sure it was awkward for the boss as well so they'll avoid further discussion of it.


But as they say, you did the crime, so you'll have to do the time, and in this case, what you'll have to endure is the rumors and snickering about it at the office for awhile. Just try to ignore it and rise above it and eventually they'll get bored with it and move on to the next good gossip. But you may always be known as the girl having sex in teh bathroom at the Christmas party... people love those kind of juicey stories so next time be more circumspect in your behavior around work colleagues.


But lesson learned... next time show a little discretion and keep that kind of sexuality out of office functions. And honestly, most people don't want to walk into a public bathroom and hear or see someone having sex there. In a hotel, there can be other guests including people with children who will use the restrooms, so really kind of inconsiderate. Take it home next time.

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Hehe, at least your boss didn't walk in on you.


You had your exciting little romp with your bf, you got caught and will have to deal with a few laughs, but I'm sure even more gossipy goodness happened that night anyways....that people will latch on to...like two co-workers hooking up or something....always seems to happen!

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Own what you did and learn from it. Realize that you put your reputation and possibly your job at risk for the sake of fulfilling a fantasy. Perhaps jobs are easy to come by where you can decide to behave so cavalier. Wait until you are a rock star before you start acting like one. All you can do is face the music. The manager of the hotel was doing bathroom inspection during your work party? Sounds like one heck of a party....

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