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Fifty Shades of Grey


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Finally reading it. I'm almost halfway through the first book and I'm not seeing what all the hype was about! It's decent, but not a mindblower...Mostly I just keep getting annoyed that on every other page, someone says the same thing. (Christian tells Ana to "Eat", Ana thinks "Oh my...", Ana thinks "He's so domineering/mysterious/complicated") And annoyed that a woman would submit herself to a man like that, even though I guess for some people it's a big turn on to be someone's Submissive...


Anyone have any other thoughts on the series? Should I even bother with the second and third book?

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Google Katrina Lumsden's review. A more entertaining read than the books.

You can thank me for that share. It truly is a GREAT review


Please don't be offended... why are there three threads on this stupid book? It really isn't worth the hype.


Please... go read the Mortal Instrument series (5th book came out last week). Or if you want adult entertainment... definitely Game of Thrones. Much better written books.

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  • 3 months later...

I was pushed to read the book....and I gave in out of exasperation. I read the whole thing (only the first book), and wondered what the heck I was reading. To me, it read like a really bad 'Mills and Boon' type book, with lots of sex put in for good measure. I also disliked the fact it idealised a screwed up dysfunctional man. If he were a real life man, there is no way he'd be able to maintain a serious, functional, loving relationship. He has too many issues. A crappy, over-hyped book.

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  • 2 months later...

I haven't bothered reading it because I haven't heard ANYTHING good said about it. Over and over again I hear how bad, rubbish, over-hyped, crap it is but nothing ever good .....


Mind you, now I am intrigued as to how BAD it actually is LOL!!! .....

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  • 1 month later...

It gets very old, very FAST! If I had to read one more line of "biting my lip" or "twitchy palms" It just got annoying.


I think this book was a big hype because it was openly liked and talked about, considering the contents of the book are rather, taboo.. before this book came out, were woman openly talking about how turned on they were at the thought of bondage and rough sex? I think that it has opened some doors for woman to be more open and honest about what they want in the bedroom.. so in some ways, this book has helped, but it is very badly written and I didn't read the third book because I just couldn't take it anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The success of this series is incredibly disturbing. The story describes how a sexually inexperienced woman is persuaded into a sexually abusive relationship with an older and potentially violent man. The power that he wields is far excess than hers. Yet this has been read and accepted as sexually provocative and has given credence to "saving" marriages in the popular press.


Personally as a reader who embraces femininity, this story goes against my values of being a woman and perception of a healthy relationship. And now that a film is being made... Young people are going to have warped views on what healthy adult relationships look like.


This is the same reason I despise Twilight series (which the author of FSoG got her ides from btw) because it's showing women as the weaker race and that it's ok for their partners to mistreat them the same way as these characters do with their love interests.


I value stories that empower women and people of color, not demoralize them.


Quite possibly the worst writing ever. But on a positive note, that means anyone can write a book!

If Adolf Hitler can publish Mien Kemp and form a Nazi party based on his published propaganda, then anyone can publish a book and manipulate the media.


Most writers are now self publishing their books through ebooks without going through an editor/publisher. Makes it way easier now to write a book than ever before. In fact that's how THIS author got started.

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I kind of disagree with you on Twilight. Bella is fairly pathetic, I won't argue that one. But the other two vampires girls are just as strong as the men. Actually, now that I think about it, doesn't Bella end up pretty strong in the end too? Like, she saves the day all deus ex machina like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was really disappointed with the 50 shades books... if you're interested in hot steamy romance books that also have strong, independent female characters AND fun and interesting story lines I highly recommend checking out anything by Karen M Moning! If you're more just after romance then start with the Highlander series, but if you want something with a great story plus really dreamy male characters and super hot and steamy sex scenes, you can't go past The Fever Series (The MacKayla Lane Novels!)


Dark Fever is book 1... You will not regret it ladies!!!

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I was really disappointed with the 50 shades books... if you're interested in hot steamy romance books that also have strong, independent female characters AND fun and interesting story lines I highly recommend checking out anything by Karen M Moning! If you're more just after romance then start with the Highlander series, but if you want something with a great story plus really dreamy male characters and super hot and steamy sex scenes, you can't go past The Fever Series (The MacKayla Lane Novels!)


Dark Fever is book 1... You will not regret it ladies!!!


Thanks, I will read and then share my opinion

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  • 3 weeks later...


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