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Ex jumped off her pedestal on her own...


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I was with my ex for over 6 yrs, thought she was the most amazing woman in the world..we broke up a few months ago , I made all the mistakes ..took the breadcrumbs from her, we hooked up a few times that she initiated. I recently found out she is dating a guy for only like 3 weeks, they live over an hr apart , she has a son , both work and they've only seen each other a few times..I was out with some friends last night and we ended up taking a cab to another part of town, going by her place is the simplist shortest route so naturally the cab took that route.. I noticed new guys truck at her place at 2am .. It's weird I wasn't jealous at all more like shocked and disgusted really ..it felt like it totaly crushed my image of her.. I think that's what bothers me the most ? Can anyone relate? Iv decided its best to go nc

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The image I had of her was she was better than that to have a guy over night she barely knew .. Plus that day I received a bread crumb text at 730 am that new guy may b old guy they were having issues.. I asked her why she felt the need to tell me that considering she was hardly out of bed for the yet for the day..she replied that she thought I would get a kick out of it.. I never gave her any reason to say that in fact when she told me she had met someone I told her that I hoped he treated her and her son well as I do love her that much.. I realize now why she told me , just to pull the strings a bit , they had issues and she reached out to the comfort zone.

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