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Why is it so hard for me to act on my thoughts and not on my feelings?


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This is something i have been struggling with my entire life. I will think one thing, but then i will have a feeling that overwhelms me to the point where the thought i just had is no longer of any value and can get easily brushed aside.


Ex: And this happens on an hour to hour basis, I will want to work out on in my room (i have bought numerous home work out books, weights, a bench, padded floor and download a couple of videos) but then i feel lazy and have this urge to play silly computer games and surf the web.


Ex2: I tell myself after work i am going to the gym or do homework (something productive), when i get home i realize i am extremely exhausted end up taking a shower, by the time i come out of the shower i no longer want to do anything but take a nap or eat some food. When i wake up i find myself playing the game or listening to music (rationalizing to myself that it would have been too hard for me to work/do homework out anyways and that my body/mind needs rest).


Ex3: I tell my self i am going to save my money. When my paycheck gets deposited into my account i start spending money on new sneakers, bike parts, go to a bar, eat out needless (rationalizing to myself that i need to have a good time too because i worked hard and i earned a good time). Then when the week starts i realize i cannot save barely anything because i only have enough money for a metro card, to pay the phone bill, for food during the week, etc.


I feel like i am in an endless cycle of being compulsive and my life is passing me by so fast ( i am 26 ), many of my friends are making more money or in healthy relationships, or are for-filling their goals. I told my mom that i want to go to therapy recently because i don't feel like i am growing and something is holding me back. One time a therapist explained to me the workings of quantum bio-mechanics and how cells can change in an instant, how we can control our bodies and we send electronic signals to move, etc. Somehow i believed him a lot and started doing what i wanted to for a while, but then overtime i relapsed into this idiot which is being controlled by his feelings.


Also, i find myself not doing anything productive ( i keep telling myself i am going to learn Spanish or more about computers, its been 1 year now and i have made no progress ). How do i get out of this funk?

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Wow, i think you guys are right, thanks for responding i was feeling like no one was going to respond and didn't know what to do about it at all. You are both probably 100 percent right, and no strong discipline cannot over come ADHD/ADD. In my experience you need to either train yourself or have some method for not falling into the same patterns but currently i am lost for what to do. Now that i know its probably ADD i can look up some remedies online as to what to do about it (which don't involve taking meds thou).


The reason i say discipline cannot overcome it is because i struggle to read a book for more than half an hour, and struggle to follow through on what i say i am going to do, where as most people won't struggle. It is not that i am incapable of doing things at all, it is that i will be in a constant state of anxiety about it.

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Let me know what are the remedies that you found and do they work for you? Jackie Chen only travels with two pairs of undie and socks. He washes them as he shower daily in the shower as a way to discipline himself.


discipling himself to have a shower? surely he would just do that anyway??

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