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Horrible FB Moment!

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I haven't spoke to my ex or looked for info on her since like 4 weeks now - I'm doing really well.


However, an old facebook she deactivated while we were together (to make a new one), and therefore wasn't in my friendslist anymore, has been logged into just a few hours ago. Her name appeared in the chat area on the right hand side and therefore I got the fright of my life.


It's not been used or posted on since like 2011 & said me and her were in a relationship. So now it's changed my about me to in a relationship with her! ***.


It's really ****ed me up, I know it's a bug with facebook, total accident and no sign at all. But it's horrible.


Also a bit awkward.

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You don't understand. It's changed my relationship to in a relationship with her. But when i go to settings it says i'm single. I've been chatting to other girls - what will they think...


wel if they mention it just explain ...


camus will you get into the groove for crying out loud ..go on join , I wil add you and we can stalk each other



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You don't understand. It's changed my relationship to in a relationship with her. But when i go to settings it says i'm single. I've been chatting to other girls - what will they think...


Are you living your life according to Facebook? What matters the most is what happens in the real world, as opposed to what Facebook says.

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Are you living your life according to Facebook? What matters the most is what happens in the real world, as opposed to what Facebook says.


Not really. It's just a big part of socialising and keeping in touch with people at my age. It just freaked me out and a lot of my friends started texting me to find out what I was thinking getting back with her.


I'm doing really well though. It's just a minor speed bump. Vented and now I can move on.

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It may be helpful to take a break from Facebook, since you're currently doing well with moving on.


I would if I found it affected me day to day. It's an essential part of my social network. I have university projects where facebook is the sharing centre of ideas and files. The sports and societies I take part in share their events and updates through it too. It's the new instant messenger (over msn) and it's just a big part of my student party lifestyle. The girl I'm seeing at the moment started flirting with me through FB so there's big positives to using and keeping it.


Nobody can account for what happened to me today. It can't happen again now though so life resumes. Thank you for your suggestions though.

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I understand that shock of seeing it. It can make some feelings come back and it could still string a bit. However, take a deep breathe, its JUST facebook my friend. Its not going to change what people think of you and it only changes on your profle page it doesnt show up in your news feed or anything. Since its a deactiveated facebook Im sure it went away again

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Of course through fb I learn my ex is having a child. We still have mutual friends. This is so depressing for me. She is having her life just fine and I am still sad about the break up. Why can't I shake this. I feel like breaking NC but I know it would set me back. And I don't want to start drama. I just hate how I am still down about this. So yea fb can suck

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It's just Facebook. Don't worry about it.


This right here..


Facebook doesn't exactly mirror the reality of a person's life..

I would just leave it be. You can always hide your relationship status and explain if anyone asks. No need to cause anything over it and go back on your healing process...

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First proper breakup during the Facebook era will teach you a valuable lesson ... never add everybody and anybody , don't broadcast news like the BBC , you won't like it when you are the celebrity breakup on the 9 o clock bulletin


and sadly it's just like breaking up with somebody in the playground at school , once these truths set in ..you will never see it the same way again, everybody you know will know...and want the gossip


As it happens to more and more people , they will get wise to it all ... and abandon it as the prime communication tool it has become


I stopped using mine for 7 months ... but too many here are addicted to it , voyeurism .... like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window ... sooner or later you will close the curtains / drapes ... for fear of what you might see

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....AND you're already chatting with other girls? It sounds like you want your cake (ex) and to eat it too (new girls). If you're on the hunt, why are even worried about some status update on (buggy) facebook about your ex?


Another example of how FB is poisoning social culture. Just think about the emotions people have, the decisions they make, they things they believe, just because they "saw it on facebook".

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