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Everything posted by leftme

  1. We fell apart because you'd had doubts for the last 6 months... Ofcourse we did. You never mentioned them you idiot!
  2. People move on quicker if they have something available to them. Another person. Male or Female. I think it's by nature easier for a woman to find a new man.
  3. You implied when you left I could just sleep with anyone but you had to love them... It’s funny how 2 months later I haven’t had sex but you’re shacked up with someone. I’m glad you broke up with me. My life’s awesome right now and yours is going to be the same for the next 40 years... enjoy!
  4. 7 weeks. 7 weeks NIC. 7 weeks of acceptance. 7 weeks of getting my life together. 7 weeks of self improvement and realisation. This break up will make me stronger.
  5. Broke NC troday. After 20 odd days. I was asked about logistics and I replied politely but business like. She threw a curve ball suggesting I hadn't paid a utility bill but I simply laughed it off and proved I paid. 2 text messages. Matters closed. Moving on out.
  6. Have I broke it? I was on my facebook looking back (not for her) and a picture I posted of her is there. Her profile pic etc popped up (same as it was) and I clicked straight off it. I think I'm good. Heart raced a little mind.
  7. Day 19 It's not so much her crossing my mind anymore but the actual relationship. I see its flaws and I see where changes are needed in me. I don't plan on trying to win her back. I still look at sites about reconciliation but more out of boredom than desperation. Going to my friends after work today. That should keep my mind occupied and I can verbally bash her down to him for further progress.
  8. Day 18 I think about her often, what happened etc but it brings no emotional distress to me anymore.
  9. I think reconciliation is rare. The Dumpee believes the two are soul mates but the Dumper doesn't believe so. They may have some realisation but only if they truly have made a grave error and not just a slight mistake.
  10. Day erm... 14? I had a date today. I hope she's finding the happiness she wanted cause I AM HAPPY
  11. Day 18. After 4 years. She last contacted me to arrange meeting... I've not heard from her since.
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