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I just read an old arguement between us...


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I just read an argument me and the ex had on facebook post breakup....


I see quite clearly how I destroyed our relationship with the attitude I had. I was making her feel like ****.


I don't want to reconcile, I think we're better off apart (and i know she has a new guy), but I feel like I need to speak to her to appologise...


I've been NIC for 8 weeks with only logistics discussed.


What should I do...?


(I suppose by contacting her to appologise I'm trying to reconcile (even if i deny it/don't think i want it) it can always wait until we see eachother) ARGH! bad dream last night has set up a bad day.

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You may feel the need to apologize, but as she is w/ someone new, I don't think she has the need to hear it.


Just chalk it up to relationship experience, and leave it alone. If she calls reqarding more logistics, tell her then. Don't initiate a call to apologize. She has moved on.

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Nothing basically , she has somebody new , you do your best to try and learn from it all and put it behind you. Who knows, in the future , when you both stop blaming each othe and yourselves, you will be able to laugh and joke about it all, that's how it has been with all my ex's bar 1 ( and the recent )


don't start beating yourself up about it, just learn


I sense the conflict going on in your mind

I don't want to reconcile
I think we're better off apart
plus she has somebody. We all make mistakes throughout a relationship , don't torture yourself about them now.
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I don't see the harm in sending her a quick note to get the feelings off your chest.


That being said I have experience in this. I sent one of my exes a FB message about a year after we broke up to apologize for my immaturity. I didn't ask him to get back together...I just wished him well and said I felt I needed to apologize for all the crap I had pulled. He never responded and I heard through the grape vine he thought my message was an attempt to win him back....he probably laughed at it which didn't make me feel good.

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