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Laughing at my ex recently!


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As you probably know I was dumped after 4 years, Yada Yada.


She blanked me for a month but we shared an appartment which she has to continue to pay rent on £300p/m for 5 months. I'd paid her my half weeks ago as the funds leave her account to the letting agency. Yet the other day she asked for my half. Oops you've spent it!


Then I hear she's already biting into her holiday savings (from the account I made for her) because she's running out of money!


A big problem in her leaving me was that I tried to instil financial awareness in her and advised against wasting money.


It seems the single, party lifestyle she's chasing is more costly than she bargained for.


I'm sitting pretty on a healthy amount of money! I have the apartment half price for 5 months and life's looking up.


She (who just felt more independent and wanted to experience life) is shacked up with mum and dad.


Life is great

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Just because you were right with the unassailable problem that she had/has, that doesn't mean you were necessarily correct in the ways you went about trying to change her behaviors.


As DN said, it makes sense that you feel the way you do, but try not to rub it in or feel too smug because of this; it could backfire. Keep working at it though! You seem to be doing a great job!

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Others have noted it, but just adding my own thoughts is that we should always be thoughtful when thinking karma is happening to somebody , whose happiness was once our primary concern. Also, while we are not out of the woods ( total over them ) any financial calamities become yours, if she knocks on you door, you have a weak moment... etc


careful what you wish for....

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I've not uttered a word to her about it. I never really bashed it into her I just got her to make a savings account and ask herself if she really needed this new thing before buying it. Maybe it made me look boring but I'm the one who's financially secure, living alone cheaply and somehow better off than many people I know going through a break-up.


She won't be back. I don't want her back & I have no intention of uttering another word to her in the next 6 months.

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Sounds a bit like my ex, except we didn't have a lease together.


I was always trying to teach her the value of her money and I thought she had learnt something from me. Well, day after she breaks up with because she wants to be single and become more independent she buys a $10,000 car on finance.


She was working part time at a restaurant and studying, but since the breakup she deferred uni and started working full time there to pay for her party lifestyle and new clothes, car etc.


Its like once they break away from us they feel like they have to go on a crazy spending spree buying material items and living care free with their money.

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Sounds a bit like my ex, except we didn't have a lease together.


I was always trying to teach her the value of her money and I thought she had learnt something from me. Well, day after she breaks up with because she wants to be single and become more independent she buys a $10,000 car on finance.


She was working part time at a restaurant and studying, but since the breakup she deferred uni and started working full time there to pay for her party lifestyle and new clothes, car etc.


Its like once they break away from us they feel like they have to go on a crazy spending spree buying material items and living care free with their money.


We lived together for a few years. The time she spent with me now has to be occupied and generally that means paid for. Her salary is basic and her new lifestyle is expensive. It gives me satisfaction that although she's off with another bloke and is reliving the honeymoon phase that we once had, she ain't doing all that great. Sure she's having fun, but long term, I'll be having more.


I guess that's what I'm laughing about. I couldn't provide the lifestyle she's chasing at the moment. But my lifestyle in a couple of years will be far more enriching than the thousands she'll have spent on drinking and looking good.

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