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Not feeling so great, she called.


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She called, and for some reason it hurts. She has a boyfriend now... and she told me, and it just angers me. Now I feel angry, or something... like I have lost something, but I really HAVEN'T. I AM JUST BEING STUPID. So here is a poem to help me out. Thank god, she and I are done. No more calling. She is gone from my life. THANK YOU!



I hate my breath.

It made me do it.

She called,

I broke it.

I said it.

And now I've lost it.

I threw her number away

I threw my memory

My desire


My bed, just takes me

And lets me find another place.

I am worn away,

My mind,

My eyes

All tired.

Just let me rest here

And waste away.

Slowly leave me.

Get up, take the first chance you get

And forget me.

Sleep now

And forget now



Just leave me now.

Help me

Get rid of this breath

This last gasp

For her.



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It does hurt when your ex gets a new boyfriend and tells you all about it. Its like they are flaunting it in your face like "hah i have done better than you ever could have been" I just don't understand how ex's think that you can be friends after the breakup its like uhhh no.......that doesn't work

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